Game Updates
@stupidpro said in Game Updates:
How will it be possible then to make a low goal team better than others if the transfers are done in such an interval of time
Same way as before... You'll just have daily round transfers in a smaller time frame.
@SpecialOne Yes, but I think that it would be waaaay harder than with the 24/7 one
@stupidpro said in Game Updates:
@SpecialOne Yes, but I think that it would be waaaay harder than with the 24/7 one
Mate we never had the transfers window working 24/7 !
Why dont i get the alert for training camp being used against me all the time.. Is it because of the secret training used before going to the camp or is it just a bug?
@stupidpro said in Game Updates:
Why dont i get the alert for training camp being used against me all the time.. Is it because of the secret training used before going to the camp or is it just a bug?
It's the first case mate. When a manager wants to surprise his opposition he first uses a Secret Training ( ST ) and after that he sets the Training Camp (TC ) too. But when a ST is used you are able to realise it because you no longer get infos from your Spy ! And you can also see a lock on the manager's squad if you go to Friendlies page.
@Memphis-United_NL said in Game Updates:
@MenagerBL said in Game Updates:
Make it more easy to sell players till 50 M. It's boring to play in long leagues. I am playing with Schalke 04, after 3 rounds all my players have rating 90+. I can't sell or buy any player and it's 35 rounds until the end.
Yeah, let's make the game even more unrealistic..
yes lets do that hahaha, the game took a wrong turn with the boosted players and the 3 players in your scout.
it is not anymore a game for the fun and the good managers but more a game for pay 2 win.maybe they can change the name from OSM in OCSM (Online Casino Soccer Manager
but even that i said this, i will still play the game like a boss and yes even i will pay for it
@MenagerBL said in Game Updates:
If you want play a realistic game then delate your account and go search for another game, tetris or something else.
This game is unrealistic for a long time already, but that's how thing are working.
You can accept the conditions or leave the game.
Is it realistic to buy/sell and up to 10 players for a round? Is it realistic that you lose in 99% cases if u got a red card? Is it realistic that nobody managed to score a single goal in extra time in history of OSM?
I know what I am talking about. I am also not happy with the way of squad building on the new version and this update would make sense.yes i accept it 2, the good managers are not happy with the update and GB there wallet is very happy hehe
but you are right, we just play the game in this way and if you dont like it you can quit -
@SpecialOne said in Game Updates:
From today onwards, and without an end date, ALL transfer jobs will run with an interval of one hour.
This measure was set to increase servers stability until we implement the final decision - Transferworkers run based also on timezone, like simulation engines!
So, for now all engines will start at 5:00 or 6:00h UTC and should have last round at 13:00h or 14:00h.
We'll keep you posted when final system is implemented!
NOTE: OSM NL servers are not affected by this change!
This temporary situation ends today!
We'll be having a new situation where every server has a different start according with simulation start. We'll keep the 8 dayly transfer rounds and spaced by 2 hours!
The rule is: Every transfer round starts 7h after the start of simulations on that server!
Our, who is in battles and competitions gets all lost with these constant changes ...
No not the 2 hour thing again :((( I loved that fast 1hour space from 7am to 3pm (utc+1).The 2 hour regime starts too early while I'm sleeping and I miss usually great players until I wake up,sometimes even miss special offer.I was confused today,thought that transfer list isn't working properly then saw this..Anyway disappointed
One question crossed my mind. Do you ever guys think about giving some info somewhere about total managers won on certain account during all your OSM career?
Points like we had in old ranking system I mean. It doesnt have to be ranking, it would just be nice too have that info somewhere... Or maybe consider introdicing some sort of "Legendary ranking" where we could see pepople who won most points in OSM history. Doesnt have to be "main" ranking, it cas be something secondary like that "OSM records page". Would be cool. Just saying
@Majstor-Matt I am sure it would be, but I think they have no way of knowing or calculation the points using the old scoring system.
Totally agree. Introducing of this category on each profile should be the priority for GB. Now it's possible that somebody who played 150 matches has more MPs than somebody who is playing for 10 years. That's a big insult for players who are playing for a long time! Points achieved before 700 days are nowhere to see, so it's like they say they don't care for them. Then why have they played each day if nobody can see their achievements? Ok, the new calculating system is nice, it gives fair chances to everyone/new players, we are not against it, but make possible to see all points a manager achieved. ''Old managers'' deserved that, they invested much efforts (first of all time) for this points!
@Majstor-Matt , @Octi , @MenagerBL ... Hi mates..
I want to say, I'm a newbie, compared to the three of you. So with all my respect to all of you, please allow me to share my opinions..
To be honest, I really think the new Mpts system is far more fair than the old one. And I agree it gives fairer chances to everyone to be the best. We don't want to see a manager who has far Mpts ahead to everyone, and inactive for years, but still has the crown, right? I think that's an insult to the game itself even more..
In the other hand, I also agree that the 'old' managers should be appreciated. Yes, it's nice to have that info. They deserve to know how many Mpts they have achieved. In fact, it's been there, in the trophy cabinet. Only we have to calculate it by ourselves. I guess you guys meant is a list of all managers..
For the purpose of the issue, I agree with you all. I would like to make a little addition here. I'm not sure if the list of all managers would be matters now. So, maybe we can have the big 5 or top 10. Maybe like a list of 'hall of fame' or whatever you named it, to show some respect to the 'old' managers. And who knows the one(s) in that list still exist in the top world ranking..
Thank you, all. Hope this game becomes better and better. Peace..
We're working on introducing Squad Numbers to OSM! Meaning: assigning shirt numbers to your players for the season.
Would you like to see what we've made so far and help us test it? Please send us an email at Remember: for this specific feature, you need an Android device.
Thanks in advance!
When comes the update on pc to see our match in live?
@Harry-Poon said in Game Updates:
We're working on introducing Squad Numbers to OSM! Meaning: assigning shirt numbers to your players for the season.
When it will be available?
@Levi-Rios We sent it to our beta testers! You can apply for becoming a beta tester at!
@Harry-Poon said in Game Updates:
@Levi-Rios We sent it to our beta testers! You can apply for becoming a beta tester at!
I sent e-mail 2 days ago but not received the beta