CC 55: Tussenstanden
Tussenstand EL (35/43):
Just Relax 11202
OSM Striker Pro Squad 10728
BeNeCrew 7836
Online Football Federation 7098
S.V. Oikos Nomos 3666 -
Tussenstand Eredivisie A (36/39)
Golden Glory 6975
Orange Blood Titans 6555
Same Vision 5025
The OSM Tigers 4860
The Royal Victorians 4395
Veni, Vidi, Vici. 2940
Tussenstand EL (36/43):
Just Relax 11412
OSM Striker Pro Squad 10800
BeNeCrew 7806
Online Football Federation 7326
S.V. Oikos Nomos 3600
Tussenstand CL (36/43)
- Kanarifuglene......................12945
- Looking for Silverware........10275
- GoodFellas.............................9690
- OSM Striker Ultras.................9285
- Imperium................................8018
@Vjenne-Rulezz_NL thanks voor het posten van de tussenstanden !!
Tussenstand CL (37/43)
- Kanarifuglene......................12968
- Looking for Silverware........10560
- GoodFellas...........................10215
- OSM Striker Ultras.................9038
- Imperium................................7485
Tussenstand Eredivisie A (37/39)
Golden Glory 6780
Orange Blood Titans 6645
Same Vision 5215
The OSM Tigers 4905
The Royal Victorians 4310
Veni, Vidi, Vici. 3085
Tussenstand EL (37/43):
Just Relax 11778
OSM Striker Pro Squad 10650
BeNeCrew 8034
Online Football Federation 7092
S.V. Oikos Nomos 3654
Tussenstand CL (38/43)
- Kanarifuglene......................12435
- Looking for Silverware........11318
- GoodFellas...........................11100
- OSM Striker Ultras.................8550
- Imperium................................8070
Tussenstand EL (38/43):
Just Relax 11508
OSM Striker Pro Squad 10518
BeNeCrew 8262
Online Football Federation 7992
S.V. Oikos Nomos 3654 -