CC 55: Tussenstanden
Tussenstand CL (23/43)
- Kanarifuglene......................11775
- Imperium................................8400
- Looking for Silverware..........8085
- GoodFellas.............................7515
- OSM Striker Ultras.................7260
Tussenstand Eredivisie A (23/39)
Golden Glory 5625
The OSM Tigers 5595
Orange Blood Titans 4580
Same Vision 3760
The Royal Victorians 3195
Veni, Vidi, Vici. 2905
Tussenstand EL (23/43):
Just Relax 10110
OSM Striker Pro Squad 8046
BeNeCrew 8022
Online Football Federation 5298
S.V. Oikos Nomos 2982
Tussenstand Eredivisie A (24/39)
Golden Glory 5715
The OSM Tigers 5540
Orange Blood Titans 4940
Same Vision 3750
The Royal Victorians 3355
Veni, Vidi, Vici. 2950
Tussenstand CL (24/43)
- Kanarifuglene......................12060
- Imperium................................9008
- OSM Striker Ultras.................7590
- GoodFellas.............................7455
- Looking for Silverware..........6953
Tussenstand Eredivisie A (25/39)
Golden Glory 5675
The OSM Tigers 5645
Orange Blood Titans 5130
Same Vision 4010
The Royal Victorians 3430
Veni, Vidi, Vici. 2765
Tussenstand EL (25/43):
Just Relax 10362
BeNeCrew 8958
OSM Striker Pro Squad 7644
Online Football Federation 5856
S.V. Oikos Nomos 3108
Tussenstand CL (25/43)
- Kanarifuglene......................11678
- Imperium................................8618
- Looking for Silverware..........8355
- GoodFellas.............................7890
- OSM Striker Ultras.................7125
Tussenstand CL (26/43)
- Kanarifuglene......................11618
- Imperium...............................8925
- Looking for Silverware..........8640
- OSM Striker Ultras.................7665
- GoodFellas.............................7658
Tussenstand EL (26/43):
Just Relax 10644
OSM Striker Pro Squad 9180
BeNeCrew 8946
Online Football Federation 4896
S.V. Oikos Nomos 3024
Tussenstand Eredivisie A (27/39)
Golden Glory 6110
The OSM Tigers 5640
Orange Blood Titans 5320
Same Vision 4255
The Royal Victorians 3570
Veni, Vidi, Vici. 2665