Champions league 16/17
@aris-sayang-anggie dont worry my english as well isn not perfect
what about Real - Napoli ?
@Dovco_HandF a lot of emotion
@aris-sayang-anggie come on it easy
no zlatan no fun
@aris-sayang-anggie for mi dosent mater who barca or psg
thank Mate good luck for AS i think
@Pasquale-Losito my heart beat for Madrid and with Madrid so for mi is just one way
but i respect Napoli .
@aris-sayang-anggie ok ok
they play very good at the moment in League .
@Sosyokrat said in Champions league 16/17:
The teams that will win my last 16 rounds
My guess:
- Real Madrid
- Manchester City
- Borussıa Dortmund
- Bayern München
- Juventus
- Atletico Madrid
- Barcelona
- Sevılla
How's my guess?
Surely these are favorites of matches but we cannot exclude that there will be no surprises
@Dovco_HandF Of course football will be these surprises.
@Pasquale-Losito said in Champions league 16/17:
@maloba don't underestimate Napoli;)
@maloba said in Champions league 16/17:
@Pasquale-Losito my heart beat for Madrid and with Madrid so for mi is just one way
but i respect Napoli .
If Milik will recover, and hel'll be in good shape it could be exciting match. Zieliński also played good in last matches
Polish power in Napoli is raising