How its possible to lose against a destroyed PC team with 50+ overall than him?
It was the first time i used "normal takles" because red referee and was also my first red card at minute 2... lol I had a 26 win streak even against strong managers... But losing against this PC team with 100% stamina 100% moral up ... Its just nuts. !
I hope the game is not random... Otherwise i am wasting my time ... And if this 3 3 2 2 its a counter tatic to my 4-4-2B ... doesnt make sense either... Even worse with players stronger than 40 pts 50pts in all field sectors... I cant accept this lose so well... I would like to understand where i did wrong or how can avoid this? Now my 1st place its in danger... 3pts advantage only... Losing against PC x)
I am with you here, this cannot be normal
Yes football can be unpredictable, yes the better team does not always win, yes very often you should never lose against CPU specially considering that big team difference, but these results are way beyond thatnot only did you lose, which can happen even in 20 vs 1 shots and a result of 0-1
but you were also dominated in statistics by a very far inferior team and with reasonable sliders on your side
even more, you get a red card and an injury, while CPU with 15 fouls (2 more than you) gets away with no red card...Honestly this is concerning, I feel this needs to get attention
These things can happen once in a while. Like every normal match it is not 100% sure you will beat the other team.
And your first place can't be in danger because of 1 loss against the computer.
@BrandZone_NL The second place only lost against me on first game and against other player... so yes this loss against CPU make the things close between us (3pts)... and i was going to play at his home... (at time of post) It was 1-1 Another crazy result.. as i used intership and he did not... but this one i can accept he was strong team and playing at home ... so the difference still the same 3pts only... but at time of the post yes was in danger...FUNNY FACT he got banned after my second report... ahah He was using 2 teams ...
F FC Eddie_NL forked this topic on