Listen to the music
Day 7: Post a song, you always have to play air guitar/drums to
When talking about playing air guitar, the Dire Straits may not be missing!
In general I don't like Motörheads music that much. But they have one song I really like and that is perfect to freak out!
Especially at the beginning of the following song you are actually forced to play the air guitar ^^
Hello guys how are you?
@marinus99 said in Listen to the music:
Day 7: Post a song, you always have to play air guitar/drums to
When talking about playing air guitar, the Dire Straits may not be missing!
In general I don't like Motörheads music that much. But they have one song I really like and that is perfect to freak out!
Especially at the beginning of the following song you are actually forced to play the air guitar ^^
Yeahhhhh !!! Now you're talking Marinus ! I love it when you rock this house man !!
Sweetttttttt !!!
Let's pure some sugar then...
Where do we go? Where do we go now ? Sweet child...
Rock 'n' Roll ... But I hate myself for Loving you !!
Hit it Billy !!!
Damn !! Is it getting burning hot
in here or is it just me... ???
@supernova-8 Nasılsın Kardeşim
@osmsüpermenajer I'm doing ...Sweettttt !!!
Sagol my friend ! How about you ??
@supernova-8 I'm fine, thank Bente
@osmsüpermenajer I'm glad to hear that !
Oh, I forgot to tell you...I'm not a bro sweetheart...I'm a woman !
Yoohoo !
I can call you kardesim but you should call me your big sister. Am I right?
And please use only English when you visit us on the World forum. Tamam? Ok buddy ?Now... Let's rock some ...More !!! Shall we ?
@supernova-8 said in Listen to the music:
@marinus99 said in Listen to the music:
Day 7: Post a song, you always have to play air guitar/drums to
When talking about playing air guitar, the Dire Straits may not be missing!
In general I don't like Motörheads music that much. But they have one song I really like and that is perfect to freak out!
Especially at the beginning of the following song you are actually forced to play the air guitar ^^
Yeahhhhh !!! Now you're talking Marinus ! I love it when you rock this house man !!
Sweetttttttt !!!
Let's pure some sugar then...
Where do we go? Where do we go now ? Sweet child...
Rock 'n' Roll ... But I hate myself for Loving you !!
Hit it Billy !!!
Damn !! Is it getting burning hot
in here or is it just me... ???
Yeah thanks
My heart really beats for Rock N Roll
And really great choices of you there!
And yes, it's getting hot as hell -
@supernova-8 You wanna rock more?
Let's Rock And Roll All Nite
Where? On the Rock N Roll Train!
Or do you prefer the Crazy train?
@marinus99 said in Listen to the music:
@supernova-8 You wanna rock more?
What a question Mar ? Of course I do ! I wanna Rock !!
Let's Rock And Roll All Nite
Let's do it then ... All night long !!
Where? On the Rock N Roll Train!
Or do you prefer the Crazy train?Ahaha... You mad man !
When talking about trains dear all I'm thinking now is Chris ...
Otherwise its the Last Train To Trancentral ...But that's another genre as you know.
Right... Are you high enough Mar? Wanna Jump a little with me then ?
Hey ...Let's Zzzzzzzzz a little ! Right ? Noooo, I don't mean to sleep buddy ...hahaha
Ok, last one for now cause I have to go outdoors. A country - rock song from a legendary singer ... Cause like you said it's hot
as Hell in here and we're on Fire !
Laters Mar ...
P.S. If I had to choose one of your trains I'd defo go for the AC/DC one buddy.
I love their music too
@SUPERNOVA-8 As you mentioned Def Leppard in one of your prevoius posts, let me share with you one of the best part from them
@sabit-mamedov said in Listen to the music:
@SUPERNOVA-8 As you mentioned Def Leppard in one of your prevoius posts, let me share with you one of the best part from them
My dearest Saby this band is very strongly connected with my sweet youth and naturally it's a part of my musical hard core. You know already that I listen to and enjoy almost every music genre but... If you ask me, everything begins and ends with pure rock music. After rock for me comes pop rock and everything else simply follows behind them.
Def Leppard have so many amazing songs, Hysteria was probably their best selling album and it's not a coincidence that the greatest love ballads came from pure rock bands.
And since we're talking of rock ballads and night has fallen for good I feel it's the right time to listen to some really beautiful music and meaningful lyrics. Quality time my friends.
Hope you will enjoy it as much as I will.Same goes for you Marinus. ( @Marinus99 )
Who could ever deny the value of the above melodies and lyrics ? Simply priceless !!!
Hello Friends Here you a Super Rock Concert
@supernova-8 Thank you, Sofie for rewind to our past)) Of course, all of them we listened and like. But I choose Love Bites and of course Still Loving You from legendary Scorpions))
I thank you too Saby for joining us to this amazing time travel. A big thank you goes to our mate Marinus of course for his wonderful music game . I gotta say that this is one hell of a weekend for our World music forum! Very emotional moments.
Thank you so much guys , for your music and for your love . -
@sabit-mamedov P.S. Almost 30 years ago a girl gets a gift from a guy that liked her and was flirting her. The gift was a cassette, a tape filled with songs that he had chosen to record for her to listen to ( no CDs back then
as some of you know
Love Bites was one of the songs from that collection Saby.The girl listens to that tape three times in one night, she fells for the guy and the rest is history...It is incredible the way music affects us all and certain songs are often so powerfully connected to some of our best or other times worst moments and memories of our lives. I wouldn't ever change that feeling for the whole wide world !!!