Listen to the music
@adam-dorna I liked it too Adam.
Sweet & emotional , like most of their songs.
" One hundred % to be true
To be right .. To be real
Set in stone and cast in steel "
But my top favorites of A-HA are by order :
Take On Me, Hunting High & Low , Summer Moved On and Crying In The Rain . -
@lhabss @Adam-Dorna
And this one goes for you guysDJ
SuperNova in the mix !
Now c'mon let's dance to the rythm !
Man , that song was "So Bad "... ( said Nina Hagen )
" Oh, I feel like crying ! "
More bad coming up
Flash !
Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, ay (yeah), leave me alone!
OMG i fell in love with this
Never give up ! Never surrender !!
So, bring it on !!!
Sounds from another era
@rafelmaz The unforgettable 80's, the golden age of Mtv , the rock and pop - rock music , spending hours upon hours watching those beautiful video clips... Ah, brings some awesome memories of my sweet youth...
Thank you for your inspiring post my friend..