Listen to the music
@Levi-Rios Those crazy dudes!
Loved it ! Viva o café do Brasil :heart_exclamation:
Niall Horan - This Town
Love the lyrics of that song!
@Levi-Rios Woow, very nice production.
Does anyone enjoy Merk & Kremont?
James Bay - Let It Go
Mr. Probz - Nothing Really Matters
@manager00092 Mr. Probz recently released a song on Ultra Music, I liked it. Have you heard?
@SaizicaaaaaaOfficial Merk & Kremont
@SaizicaaaaaaOfficial @Levi-Rios Merk & Kremont 8-)
@SaizicaaaaaaOfficial @M-A-N-O-_NL And Lucas & Steve, you like? 8-)
After a lot of work iam back in the "music-corner". And I will start the "30 Day Song Challenge":,0,800,800&q=98&fm=jpg&fit=maxDay 01: A song that makes you happy:
Soo difficult, I cant choose one song. My top 3:
@Marinus99 I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this post Marinus.
That's an absolutely fantastic idea mate ! :thumbsup_tone2: I love you so much right now :heart_exclamation:
@SaizicaaaaaaOfficial I like that Mr Probz song too!