__WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__
By the way thank you very much for your support, it is really a difficult battle for Indonesia, everyday the differences of score are unpredictable.
@Aldy-Brahmantyo The decision is yours, thanks again. A very good job
@Aldy-Brahmantyo said in __WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__:
By the way thank you very much for your support, it is really a difficult battle for Indonesia, everyday the differences of score are unpredictable.
- There is a very strong battle manager/community, this is undeniable.
@mrtgll33 yes, it is. Spain gives us really hard challenge, they deserve this result so far because they play really well. 1 more thing, congratulations of being turkey moderator. Hope you will bring a bright future not only in your community but for the whole communities.
@Aldy-Brahmantyo Yes strong in Spain, who good is win. I thank you for your good wishes, we hope will do good things for the future.
Spain vs Indonesia - Day 20 / 22
Congratulations Indonesia.
yeah,, indonesia is the best ... :clap_tone2: :cartwheel_tone5: :metal_tone3: -
Let's go brazil
@Dovco_HandF Absolutely I agree
Indonesia won the cup (+50pts)
@jorgebusty7 (Goal 5 spain and Goal 7 spain), they are very very strong ..
@jorgebusty7 What an amazing battle
:flag_es: :flag_id:
The latest update of squad value that I can count, it takes about 5 minutes ago at the final day of the quarter finals.
Maybe this is not the most accurate value because I can't stay longer.
At last, this is the only thing that I can do, and I congratulate for the highest of each objective team.
day 22/22 Uruguay vs Belgium
I want to congratulate Belgium was a very hard battle with great teams we are very happy to have outgrown a great rival
Spain vs Indonesia - Day 22 / 22 Result confirmed by the opposit captain
Thanks for this strong battle, the best we had in the tournament, luck in the next phase. I look forward to another battle in the future.
Final result
I wanted to thank all those involved and to congratulate both teams was a great battle, Brazil got the place, but the wave would look good with any of the selections.