LEAGUES: Need one or Managers to join yours?
Yoooo, me and some friends has started playing osm again and we are thinking about going for world dominance while having a fuck ton of fun in the process of making new friends. So we gonna do anything from europe to african leagues etc. and keep creating new leagues together! If you wanna join our journey then add ''TheKingsAvatar'' in game, shoot me a msg and we will invite you! The leagues will start in about 4-5 days, ill let yk when ik
YOOOOOOOO, okay so we are 18 friends that are going to play championship (the english second division) with 24 teams. As you can see the league is almost full so we want to recruit friends who want to play with us for this league and also in the future if you'd like! Add my friend ''TheKingsAvatar'' and tell him you want to join if interrested!
We are looking for participants for a large-scale tournament of the World Cup 2022 among CIS players. The championship consists of tie-dye and final stages. Therefore, we need 76 participants. To participate, write to me on the Russian social network "Vkontakte": https://vk.com/neo_liberalism
You can also write to me on Telegram: https://t.me/DenisKuzbassAll information on the tournament and the rules will be in our group in "Vkontakte": https://vk.com/companyofvanya
In the future, we plan to create a telegram channel, where there will be all the information on the tournament.
S SpecialOne pinned this topic on
League name: Gurban Yalama Ligi
Moderator: 35BesiktASK1903
League number: 16644012
League: Bundesliga -
League: World 2022
League Name: World Cup
League Number: 106133766-All teams are idle except Portugal and Belgium
-Only the training camp is closed -
OSM public league with 11 spots left. First Brazilian division with 3 days and 7 hours left for the first round. League ID:29599135
England Premier League
3 days and 7 hours left for the first round
League ID: 95442054 -
Hello guys, league created today at 23:40 ish, 3 day and 20 hours pre season, everybody is welcome, the more the merrier.
League name: Luxembourg Champion
Moderator: cscrajin
League number: 61459348
League: Luxembourg -
hello everyone
spanish first division
4 days remaining for first matchLeague Name : La Liga
League Number : 29626600
League : Spainlets make this league full!
Looking for more players in our league! Only a few spots left!
Location: England
Feel free to join our competition (only a few spots left!) and stay with us for many more! Press the link down below or join through the competition number!
Competition: 103139194
Location: England -
Hello everyone! I have created an Italy league and if you want to join me please make a request. All teams free for all expect Atalanta.
League: Italy
League number: 101521938 -
Any league to play soon ?
Hello. I am new and I am sure that league is finished. But how these leagues work? Do you get transfer lists or just a fixed team?
If anyone is looking for an active league. We have set up a German league just now. 4 days preparation time. We also have an open discord chat where we talk tactics and communicate about the league.
League code is 61564606
Discord link is https://discord.gg/k3Y3kmTW
Join us!
Simple question : combien coûte un crew en boss coins ? Je les débloque dans 9 jours et j'aimerais savoir dans combien de temps
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