OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions
The issue surrounding the red card is incredibly frustrating. When a player receives a red card, it significantly alters the dynamics of the game, often leading to a subpar performance from the entire team. My team (1B) faced off against an opponent (80K) and the match ended in a draw due to the impact of the red card. This outcome feels unrealistic.
Hello everyone,
I am here with 2 little suggestions, the tactics in this game is good but I wanted to give a little suggestion maybe to help improve it,
My suggestion is why not do a function where we can give instructions to specific players, for example, stay back while attacking or something like that, a bit like in fifa or FC, i don't know if that works in a simulation game like OSM
my second suggestion is, why not put an option to change our style of play or formation if we are losing for example the manager chooses if he/she is losing, the team switches to more attacking style of play, or if he/she is winning, the team defend more, then the manager have more control on how his team should play during the match
Thanks for reading my suggestion, I hope it is a good one, cheers
I've experienced this myself, but there're still matches where I can win after get a red card, so this doesn't seem to be a bug, but more of a 'random' situation
I've forwarded it for devvers to take a look and see if this can be tuned up a bit to 'balance' it
@SpecialOne I have won, too, even with red cards, though this happens roughly. I’m advocating for a more balanced approach; losing a match by more than five goals just because of a red card is completely unrealistic. Receiving a red card almost guarantees a 99% probability of losing the match.
Impact of red cards it's not much different of the real world... you can take a look at this https://www.innerdrive.co.uk/blog/red-cards-footballers/ (there're quite some studies on internet about it)
The numbers (losing by more than 5) are a bit extreme, but it's not that frequent... nevertheless this is being discussed internally!
Hey there, I get your point that most team loses when they get a red card but many of them are able to get a draw or even a win, we can rarely see a team winning 1-0 and then get a red card and lose 7, 6 or 5-1, it's quite exaggerated in OSM, I always play on careful now cuz if I play aggressive in most of the match as I used to or reckless with the green referee I may get a red card and once you get a red card, your match is ruined, OSM may try to improve to be a bit more realistic for example if a team is winning and got a red card they will tend to defend their lead for example Arsenal VS Man City this season where Arsenal was winning 2-1 and got a red card just before half time, they defended the game well in the second half and only conceeded 1 goal in 98th minute of the game and drew the game,
tho I would like to add that sometimes in OSM we don't lose by a big margin if we get a red card but we still lose, in OSM, if you get a red card early, there is 99% chance of losing the match even if you are better than your opponent in ratings, Well that's my point of view, each person may have different opinion sooo that was mine, maybe OSM could be made bester not better (cuz they are the best)
as OSM is one of the best football games if not the best
Impact of red cards it's not much different of the real world... you can take a look at this https://www.innerdrive.co.uk/blog/red-cards-footballers/ (there're quite some studies on internet about it)
I agree with the above, but on OSM (99% - in the real world not), when a player receives a red card, it significantly alters the dynamics of the game, often leading to a subpar performance from the entire team.
The numbers (losing by more than 5) are a bit extreme, but it's not that frequent...
Indeed, I agree, but it almost guarantees a 99% (it's too much) probability of losing the match!
nevertheless this is being discussed internally!
@SpecialOne the percentage of receiving red cards at the beginning of the match should not be the same as that at the end, in addition, direct red cards should also be less frequent
Dear [Game Developers / Community Team],
I am Coach Ali El Padjo from the Royal Vikings clan, and I’d like to request the return of the ability for clans to upload custom photos or logos to represent their identity in-game.
For us, as well as many other clans, having a custom logo is an important part of our identity and brand. It helps us stand out and fosters a stronger sense of community and pride within our team. In previous years, the game allowed clans to use their own photos, and we feel that this feature significantly enhanced the experience of representing our clans.
While avatars are a fun option, they simply don’t offer the same level of personalization and uniqueness that custom logos do. We believe that reintroducing this option will allow clans to feel more connected and invested in the game.
We would really appreciate if the developers could consider bringing back this feature, as it not only adds value to the clans but also to the overall player experience.
Thank you for your time and consideration!
Best regards,
Coach Ali El Padjo
Royal Vikings -
Hi, i have 2 suggestions.
1: it is nice if these things can be added in a feature update:
You can kick a manager out from a league, whether they are active or not.
Also, the fact that training and transfers could be disabled for your private league. And also, the ability to choose the sim time of the game (according to your time zone).
2. A league, in which you could choose everything. It would be a private league, then you can choose the format. (World cup style, league style etc). Then you could choose the teams which you would like to have in the league/tournaments. You could edit those teams which weren’t international (add and remove players). You could invite managers, and kick managers out whenever you wanted. You could choose the sim time of the league. You could also disable most features ( like transfer list, training, secret training etc). It would cost boss coins of course, around 400 for one league? You could get a discount package, in which you would only have to pay 3500 or 4000 boss coins, and then you could create this league once every month for 12 months.
Hopefully, this gets taken into account. Thanks in advance! -
Hi, i’ve just lost on penalties.
It sad, because we scored a lot, but the annoying thing is:
We lost because (only) one guy took three penalties (he took the first one too). He missed 2, and scored the middle one