League Recruits
me gustaria jugar alguna liga en la que hubiera mas de 3 o 4 managers mandarme invitacion gacias
Ladies and gentlemen,
League: England Premier League
Name: Zagorska OSM liga; Season 4 :flag_hr:
Number of spots remaining:We are a band of Croatian managers that are playing the game for past season and for this season we have 3 spots open and if you think you are up to the challenge, join us and feel to write me a private message to speed up the process to confirm your request.
More info can be always read on the FB group (in Croatian) which we use to write articles or simply to "trash talk": https://www.facebook.com/groups/156497644402594/
p.s. To reach the full experience we recommend that you understand Croatian.
@Bayram-Karakuş said in League Recruits:
League: Italy
Preparation 2
17 The number of teams is empty -
Re: [League Recruits]
id osm : aris sayang anggie
league : morocco
pre season -3
thank you osm -
League Name-Albanien
Preparation Day-4
7/10 Teams Free
Everybody's Welcome
PS.Click on my nick to see this league in slot 2 -
To Latest Post:
League Number-59042634 -
League : Germany
League name : Германия
Server : Paul
10 frei clubs
Cup : Yes
Come on -
This post is deleted!
Vincent Ado Kompanyreplied to Hespera on 21 Nov 2016, 16:07 last edited by Vincent Ado Kompany 21 Nov 2016, 16:07
Join me on this league. 11 teams free -
@Ado-Hackovic Country - Germany
League Name - Германия
Preporation Day - 2
11/18 teams free
Everybody is welcome
PS. Click on my nick to see this leagie in slot 4 -
@Ado-Hackovic how i join?
@frafa11 how i join?