The Eagles Cup
@Dovco_HandF said in The Eagles Cup 2016:@giouzzz said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
Of course i don't
It's a tradition to point PM in line up. PM just "Potential Moderator" but not "Nominal Moderator", so i don't understand why Dovco pointed me as moderator of our battle
I know why! Dovco copied this post
@giouzzz said in The Eagles Cup 2016:Arab Crew vs The Alliance
"Away Team"
G1 Saburtalo >> giouzzz (C, PM)
G3 Dila Gori >> Sergii Rebrov
G5 Torpedo Kutaisi >> qdministrator
G7 Sukura >> vitoldmart
G9 Kolkheti Poli >> ĐĐĐĐŚĐĐĐТ 13This rule applies:
Scheme to create leagues: Round 1: Home Teams Round 2: Away Teams Round 3: Home Teams Round 4: Away Teams Round 5: Home Teams Round 6: Away Teams Round 7: Home Team
@Claudir-Costa @Andreas-Fals @nelsonm91 @Rafelmaz @Pizzi_77 @hashim-mohamed-club @El-Regreso-De-Tuca @romito61 @Adilmo-Rocha @Cidadewap25 @Don-Renato1 @syamsul-bahri-1985 @reaktorr @Sawsilvio @aaaayyyyaaaa @iron0511 @Sosyokrat @sistematikci @Batyr-Myadysoyunov @YMOKSUZ @mrtgll33 @vince13carter @chindilcuk @Sebabiano @Paco_67 @Biosec @WaterhoenNL @mamo2010 @J.Shephard @Joe-Reeves @Hgbuzz @francy14fc @aris-sayang-anggie @Le-Tre-Creste @King_Jamiu_10 @lucho0004 @Federghigu @ibrahim-PEKĂN @yemaos @SINISTER4 @Angel-Sanctis @Bang-Kibo @Naruto-Uzumaki-2014 @I-Love-Niken @Fadeli-Anas @cammi909 @saniyeyÄąlmaz @gabrieel077 @Supermaz13 @lazio1 @roby-caroli @ytorres70 @RaditzFC @vicky-mourinho @jose-maonangis @JOAKIN-FLORENTIN-10 @semlali-semlali @ReisJr18 @DamiĹ27 @Byku-Duma-Warmii @Stefan-JoptwojmaÄ @boskovice @special-yousef @elison-vargas @Yusuf-Othonk @Dr-Luismar-Campos @p-olurankinse @MenagerBL @ToomAnyWays @eko_wahyu @Netvigator @Arken06 @Noor-w-bs @Markez17 @Marcin657827 @XRATED69 @giouzzz @Leandro-Bandeira @Ůسا٠Ů1
@DamiĹ27 prepared new goals in Georgia after changing the values of the clubs!
Be careful and good think to choose goals in Georgia!
Leaque name: The Eagles Cup 2017 R.1
Private leaque.
Server: any.
Date: 13th June 2017.
Time: between 18:00 - 23:59 serwer time.Instructions to create the league:
General rules: Based on the general rules in Battlepedia, CCL, WCC, CC.
No transfers in the 1st preparation day! Every transfer: -50 points.
No transfers between crewmates! For every transfer you will get penalty like Battlepedia said.Friendlies: till four for the round only between colleagues from the Crew (Players do not have to play on their original positions - the rule only for friendlies). For challenge an opponent to a friendly match - 100 penalty points.
Moderator of league: PM from Home Teams:
1 vs 88, Tugas vs Trabzonspor Akademi
2 vs 87, Scorpions vs ISM 3.0
3 vs 86, Arab Eagles vs A Good Looking Imperium
4 vs 85, AKINCILAR vs Skulls Crew
5 vs 84, Zeitgeist vs Dynamis Academy
6 vs 83, Spartacus Legends vs MYSTERY
7 vs 82, Merah - Putih vs The Gunners
8 vs 81, Monstruos Del Futbol vs cOSMos wild italian
9 vs 80, Nusantara United vs ĎĎâνŃŃ
10 vs 79, The Best of Turkey vs HOOLIGANS BR
11 vs 78, Master Coach vs اŮأبءا٠7
12 vs 77, Hungarian Fighters vs Potrero de AAM
13 vs 76, Die Trophäensammler vs Irmãos Metralhas
14 vs 75, Polish Legends vs AutoKimia2000
15 vs 74, Lion Kong vs Made in Egypt
16 vs 73, The Rebels' Yell vs ALEJA GWIAZD
17 vs 72, Husarya_PL vs Klewes Street Elite
18 vs 71, All Star Crew vs The Skulls
19 vs 70, The Special Forces vs Brasil United
20 vs 69, Polish Eagles vs Vinsmoke Family
21 vs 68, Idios Assassins vs MĂĄfia Brasil
22 vs 67, Phantoms of the Cannibals vs PĂŻrätĂŤÄĘáźáž§
23 vs 66, REVENGE vs Paranoic Managers
24 vs 65, The Dillon Panthers vs The Last Warriors
25 vs 64, Nação Brasil vs Giovani Bravi Ragazzi
26 vs 63, Union of the Supremes vs New Command
27 vs 62, Galatasaray SK vs Platinum Warriors
28 vs 61, THE 1ST vs Maron
29 vs 60, GalĂĄcticos vs BROKER INOSMIA
30 vs 59, Highlander vs FUTBOLEROS AMERICANOS VIP
31 vs 58, Draco's Crew vs New Age
32 vs 57, Trabzonspor vs LOTUS
33 vs 56, Portvcale vs Black Star
34 vs 55, Força Master Brasileira vs Exodus Of The Eagle
35 vs 54, Eye Of The Tiger vs The Phoenix
36 vs 53, Polish Warriors vs Quei Bravi Ragazzi
37 vs 52, Legion Crusher vs Phantoms ACADEMY
38 vs 51, Glory of Indonesia vs LUSITANOS
39 vs 50, Fat Lords vs Dynamis
40 vs 49, Musketeers vs Men Of Honour
41 vs 48, OSM Striker Ultras vs RED SKULLS ACADEMY
42 vs 47, Arab Crew vs The Alliance
43 vs 46, THE MANAGERS vs Born in the USSR
44 vs 45, Karadeniz Ä°mparatorluÄu vs The Avengers CrewMore details tomorrow! We are waiting totomorrow until 18:00 serwer time for the late crews. Later: W.O. In this case you don't need create the league.
@special-yousef said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
G1 : TheSnipez (c)
G3 : mohamed saad abo eita1
G5 : special yousef
G7 :King Of The Knight
G9 : ŮŮŮŮ ŮŮŮŮŘŞŘ´G1 : TheSnipez (c)
G3 : mohamed saad abo eita1
G5 : special yousef
G7 : cheee555
Eye of The Tyger vs. The Phoenix
Eye of the Tiger Home Team
AngelVincy - Dinamo Tblisi (obb 1)
19Bruno85 - Lokomotivi Tblisi (obb 3)
Extra l - Torpedo Kutaisi (obb 5)
(Cap.) (P.M.) Romito61 - Samtredia (obb 7)
Asiatico85 - Kokheti Poli (obb 9) -
Hello @Dovco_HandF Can you tell the crew that got penalty -100?
@I-Love-Niken I will create report today, afternoon about everything. Be patient
crews are ready to battles/
crews W.0. :ok_hand_tone1:.
@Claudir-Costa @Andreas-Fals @nelsonm91 @Rafelmaz @Pizzi_77 @hashim-mohamed-club @El-Regreso-De-Tuca @romito61 @Adilmo-Rocha @Cidadewap25 @Don-Renato1 @syamsul-bahri-1985 @reaktorr @Sawsilvio @aaaayyyyaaaa @iron0511 @Sosyokrat @sistematikci @Batyr-Myadysoyunov @YMOKSUZ @mrtgll33 @vince13carter @chindilcuk @Sebabiano @Paco_67 @Biosec @WaterhoenNL @mamo2010 @J.Shephard @Joe-Reeves @Hgbuzz @francy14fc @aris-sayang-anggie @Le-Tre-Creste @King_Jamiu_10 @lucho0004 @Federghigu @ibrahim-PEKĂN @yemaos @SINISTER4 @Angel-Sanctis @Bang-Kibo @Naruto-Uzumaki-2014 @I-Love-Niken @Fadeli-Anas @cammi909 @saniyeyÄąlmaz @gabrieel077 @Supermaz13 @lazio1 @roby-caroli @ytorres70 @RaditzFC @vicky-mourinho @jose-maonangis @JOAKIN-FLORENTIN-10 @semlali-semlali @ReisJr18 @DamiĹ27 @Byku-Duma-Warmii @Stefan-JoptwojmaÄ @boskovice @special-yousef @elison-vargas @Yusuf-Othonk @Dr-Luismar-Campos @p-olurankinse @MenagerBL @ToomAnyWays @eko_wahyu @Netvigator @Arken06 @Noor-w-bs @Markez17 @Marcin657827 @XRATED69 @giouzzz @Leandro-Bandeira @Knyser @sniki26 @Banished @perigoso1997 @geovanimengĂŁo @1Ůسا٠Ů
Moderator of league: PM from Home Teams:
1 vs 88, Tugasâ vs Trabzonspor Akademiâ
2 vs 87, Scorpionsâ vs ISM 3.0â
3 vs 86, Arab Eaglesâ vs A Good Looking Imperiumâ
4 vs 85, AKINCILARâ vs Skulls Crewâ
5 vs 84, Zeitgeistâ vs Dynamis Academyâ
6 vs 83, Spartacus Legendsâ vs MYSTERYâ
7 vs 82, Merah - Putihâ vs The Gunnersâ (-100)
8 vs 81, Monstruos Del Futbolâ vs cOSMos wild italianâ
9 vs 80, Nusantara Unitedâ vs ĎĎâνŃŃâ
10 vs 79, The Best of Turkeyâ 1000:0 HOOLIGANS BRâ W.O.
11 vs 78, Master Coachâ vsاŮأبءا٠7 â
12 vs 77, Hungarian Fightersâ vs Potrero de AAMâ
13 vs 76, Die Trophäensammlerâ vs IrmĂŁos Metralhasâ
14 vs 75, Polish Legendsâ vs AutoKimia2000â
15 vs 74, Lion Kongâ vs Made in Egyptâ
16 vs 73, The Rebels' Yellâ vs ALEJA GWIAZDâ
17 vs 72, Husarya_PLâ vs Klewes Street Eliteâ
18 vs 71, All Star Crewâ vs The Skullsâ
19 vs 70, The Special Forcesâ vs Brasil Unitedâ
20 vs 69, Polish Eaglesâ vs Vinsmoke Familyâ
21 vs 68, Idios Assassinsâ vs MĂĄfia Brasilâ
22 vs 67, Phantoms of the Cannibalsâ vs PĂŻrätĂŤÄĘáźáž§â
23 vs 66, REVENGEâ vs Paranoic Managersâ
24 vs 65, The Dillon Panthersâ vs The Last Warriorsâ
25 vs 64, Nação Brasilâ vs Giovani Bravi Ragazziâ
26 vs 63, Union of the Supremesâ vs New Commandâ
27 vs 62, Galatasaray SKâ vs Platinum Warriorsâ
28 vs 61, THE 1STâ vs Maronâ
29 vs 60, GalĂĄcticosâ vs BROKER INOSMIAâ
30 vs 59, Highlanderâ vs FUTBOLEROS AMERICANOS VIPâ
31 vs 58, Draco's Crewâ vs New Ageâ
32 vs 57, Trabzonsporâ vs LOTUSâ
33 vs 56, Portvcaleâ vs Black Starâ
34 vs 55, Força Master Brasileiraâ vs Exodus Of The Eagleâ
35 vs 54, Eye Of The Tigerâ vs The Phoenixâ
36 vs 53, Polish Warriorsâ vs Quei Bravi Ragazziâ
37 vs 52, Legion Crusherâ vs Phantoms ACADEMYâ
38 vs 51, Glory of Indonesiaâ vs LUSITANOSâ
39 vs 50, Fat Lordsâ vs Dynamisâ
40 vs 49, Musketeersâ vs Men Of Honourâ
41 vs 48, OSM Striker Ultrasâ vs RED SKULLS ACADEMYâ
42 vs 47, Arab Crewâ vs The Allianceâ
43 vs 46, THE MANAGERSâ vs Born in the USSRâ
44 vs 45, Karadeniz Ä°mparatorluÄuâ vs The Avengers Crewââ Lineup
â No lineup
From now on, this part of Rules has changed:
Lineups should be posted by 11/06 (midnight server), with captain and moderator! No line-up before dead line: - 100 points. No line-up till last preparation day - walkover.
From now on it will be look like this:
Line-ups should be posted by 11/06 and for the next rounds: (2nd)11/07; (3rd)11/08; (4th)11/09; (5th)11/10; (6th)11/11; (7th)11/12 (midnight server), with captain and moderator (if will be need)!
No lineup before dead line: - 100 points.
No lineup till 12.06, and for the next rounds: (2nd)11/07; (3rd)11/08; (4th)11/09; (5th)11/10; (6th)11/11; (7th)11/12 - (midnight server) - walkover.3 vs 86, Arab EaglesâW.O. 0:1000 A Good Looking Imperiumâ
10 vs 79, The Best of Turkeyâ 1000:0 HOOLIGANS BRâW.O.
15 vs 74, Lion Kongâ 1000:0 Made in Egyptâ W.O.
33 vs 56, Portvcaleâ 1000:0 Black StarâW.O.Crews: A Good Looking Imperium, The Best of Turkey, Lion Kong and Portvcale promoted to 2 Round. Congratulations! You can arrange friendly battles and will see in July.
7 vs 82, Merah - Putihâ vs The Gunnersâ (-100)
Crew:The Gunners punished -100 points for add of the lineup on the forum after the deadline.
@Dovco_HandF said in The Eagles Cup 2016:@DamiĹ27 prepared new goals in Georgia after changing the values of the clubs!
Be careful and good think to choose goals in Georgia!
Leaque name: The Eagles Cup 2017 R.1
Private leaque.
Server: any.
Date: 13th June 2017.
Time: between 18:00 - 23:59 serwer time.Instructions to create the league:
General rules: Based on the general rules in Battlepedia, CCL, WCC, CC.Exceptions!
No transfers in the 1st preparation day! Every transfer: -50 points.
No transfers between crewmates! For every transfer you will get penalty like Battlepedia said.Friendlies: till four for the round only between colleagues from the Crew (Players do not have to play on their original positions - the rule only for friendlies). For challenge an opponent to a friendly match - 100 penalty points.
@elison-vargas said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
Dynamis Academy Team
G1 Seyen 56
G3 Daniel Flamenguista fc
G5 Baseaddo
G7 Prof. Blau (C)
> G9 Charles ElbaaDynamis Academy Team
G1 Seyen 56
G3 Daniel Flamenguista fc
G5 Baseaddo
G7 Prof. Blau (C)
G9 Roberth RuiCharles unfortunately had personal problems.
@Dovco_HandF You are great buddy
Our team goals are completely different than the goals you posted...
Dinamo Batumi was goal 7. now goal 5...
Samtredia was goal 9, now goal 7...
Chikura was goal 5, now goal 7...
Shukura was goal 7, by us goal 9...
What to do and which clubs to take? -
G1 Gabriel.Oliveira (C) ......wrong perhaps Helton Oliveira??
G3 Cleison LuĂs gerwim r7
G5 Danny Weverson
G7 Maycon3456...he's not in the Paranoic Managers Crew
G9 FlavioRG10Please tell me what to do...thank you mates..
@MenagerBL said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
Our team goals are completely different than the goals you posted...
Dinamo Batumi was goal 7. now goal 5...
Samtredia was goal 9, now goal 7...
Chikura was goal 5, now goal 7...
Shukura was goal 7, by us goal 9...
What to do and which clubs to take?Hey mate, take a look to the last draw that organization made:
Here is the correct one, i have same doubt some days ago
@Claudir-Costa @Andreas-Fals @nelsonm91 @Rafelmaz @Pizzi_77 @hashim-mohamed-club @El-Regreso-De-Tuca @romito61 @Adilmo-Rocha @Cidadewap25 @Don-Renato1 @syamsul-bahri-1985 @reaktorr @Sawsilvio @aaaayyyyaaaa @iron0511 @Sosyokrat @sistematikci @Batyr-Myadysoyunov @YMOKSUZ @mrtgll33 @vince13carter @chindilcuk @Sebabiano @Paco_67 @Biosec @WaterhoenNL @mamo2010 @J.Shephard @Joe-Reeves @Hgbuzz @francy14fc @aris-sayang-anggie @Le-Tre-Creste @King_Jamiu_10 @lucho0004 @Federghigu @ibrahim-PEKĂN @yemaos @SINISTER4 @Angel-Sanctis @Bang-Kibo @Naruto-Uzumaki-2014 @I-Love-Niken @Fadeli-Anas @cammi909 @saniyeyÄąlmaz @gabrieel077 @Supermaz13 @lazio1 @roby-caroli @ytorres70 @RaditzFC @vicky-mourinho @jose-maonangis @JOAKIN-FLORENTIN-10 @semlali-semlali @ReisJr18 @DamiĹ27 @Byku-Duma-Warmii @Stefan-JoptwojmaÄ @boskovice @special-yousef @elison-vargas @Yusuf-Othonk @Dr-Luismar-Campos @p-olurankinse @MenagerBL @ToomAnyWays @eko_wahyu @Netvigator @Arken06 @Noor-w-bs @Markez17 @Marcin657827 @XRATED69 @giouzzz @Leandro-Bandeira @Knyser @sniki26 @Banished @perigoso1997 @geovanimengĂŁo @Ůسا٠Ů1
Be careful and good think to choose goals in Georgia!
Pick the wrong team with the same goal will cost: -150 points.
Pick the wrong team with the diffrent goal will cost: -300 points.
Always captains can to do deal and they can communicate with each other. If you do not reach a consensus - will be apply look penalty system above.Every mistake must be reported in this forum topic!
All reported penalties, must be accompanied by proof (screen print). -
@Dovco_HandF said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
13 vs 76, Die Trophäensammlerâ vs IrmĂŁos Metralhasâ
The away team took the wrong goal 9 and goal 5 team.

@Rafelmaz said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
G1 Gabriel.Oliveira (C) ......wrong perhaps Helton Oliveira??
G3 Cleison LuĂs gerwim r7
G5 Danny Weverson
G7 Maycon3456...he's not in the Paranoic Managers Crew
G9 FlavioRG10Please tell me what to do...thank you mates..
I contact @geovanimengĂŁo... 2 members are not in their Crew...please I need to know officially what to do.
I tried everything to play this battle but now I need to know what to do...I can't invite people that are not in their crew... -
@Rafelmaz It is not your problem that someone has left the rival crew, my friend. They can exchange the player and pay the penalty as in the Battlefield is written.
@geovanimengĂŁo what are you going to do, buddy? They can also play in four or even three.