The Eagles Cup
You have malice within yourself, gentlemen. Do you really - 500 bonus points at the start do not give you a win, just because someone did not read the rules? I do not change any rules, I only added the upper limit of negative points so that there is no absurdity that someone has -1000 or -2000 points in the start.
So, please, do not spam this topic and keep calm.
@Dovco_HandF They perhaps didn't read the rules (not really a excuses in my opinion to get 500 points penalty instead of 1350+), but they also ignored them (and still are ignoring them as we speak).
And please don't try to convince someone that you didn't change the's too obvious to even try. -
You changed the rules in the race, they were 50 penalty points for each transfer.
16 trasferiment = 800 points di penality.I fell to 600 for penalties, and polish warriors imposed 500 and you favored them.
This and the mafia -
How do you organize tournaments?
Do as you like, if you want to exclude us, do not worry.
Around we accept the change of rules, and ask for responsibility for their choices. -
@Le-Tre-Creste If you wouldn't agree for -500 I will give you -200 wrong managers in battle league. And I don't care if it's your fault or not.
Mate you say you didn't changed the rules, but the fact is you have, and in the favour of crews who continued to sell players even afetr they realised they made a mistake.
I didn't read the rules too, I took the wrong club yesterday buy I accepted penalty -150 points. It's my mistake accorindg to the rules.It's your tournament, I respect that, you can change rules in every moment and I agree with that. But that not makes a safe environment. In next round I can win the cup for example, and tomorrow you can come and say: - 200 penalty for those who won the cup. Why? Bec it's your tournament and you can change the rules.
@MenagerBL There is something like "unexpected accidents" and organisator isn't an oracle, he cannot see the future. If some accidents happen he must react like in this way when he add new point to terms.
Certainly you decide
You are my opponent and you decide the rules with your fellow countryman -
@Le-Tre-Creste Guy I'm talking with you about 3h and I want let go by ageed on -600 pts and let go this changes in line up but Dovco said that max penalty on -500 for transfers I won't argue with him. If you can't let go this -100 points I won't let go your illegal changes.
I did not make any illegal changes, I repeat and it was a mistake of the polish Legend crew that everyone invited us.
You are also inventing non-existent things.
What else did I have to send my manager to another battle?
I was penalized by this change ... I had to change the line up.
And you have to give me the penalty when you already have more than twenty transfers done and keep leaving the list of players -
If the Polish federation does not even send invitations properly, why should I pay?
@Le-Tre-Creste We also made a 'mistake' and we have penalty points so why don't you have penalty?
Not the penalties agreed in the regulation. -
@Dovco_HandF, already 28 transfers and still counting. They also stopped responding to my messages. Please confirm the 1400 points penalty as stated in the rules we all agreed on.
@Dovco_HandF if I do not confirm the penalty of 800 points for polish Warriors, We leave the tournament, We do not like playing like that.
@Dovco_HandF said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
No transfers in the 1st preparation day! Every transfer: -50 points.My thought is that the regulation is to be respected
Geez guys, have you ever play a battle? We have some situations like that in the past and crews playing against us have but every manager was willing to deal with another. We always found a compromise. I understand that every crew want to play on next round, but giving that penalties isn't good way out, rivalry is the best thing in battles. Maybe some crews scared of another and want to win battle before first round. The most important thing is to reach an agreement with other moderator/captain or manager. I wanted it but other side making problems when we can make deal done.
Good luck
I do not lose more time with you, analyze the fake behaviors you've adopted, and when you talk about my group rinsed your mouth.
When we lose, we accept the defeats.
We do not do false moralisms trying to say lies. -
Good luck for all