__WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__
Hello everyone!
This will be the main topic of the World Nations Tournament - WNT 2016/2017
Here we will talk about the rules, decisions, draws, groupings and everything that is relevant to the tournament.
The organization of the tournament is to Adilmo Rocha. Questions, complaints and suggestions should be directed to us!
Already, we have a tournament with fair play and lots of fun!
The rules are valid below throughout the competition, including the playoffs.
- Method
Battles 5 vs 5
Are only allowed 3 managers of the same group in each lineup.
- Friendlies
Friendly are only allowed between the managers of the same selection. Friendlies against the opposing selection cost -50 points each.
- Training Camps (TC) and Training Secret (TS)
Are only allowed 4 TC and 6 TS by manager. The counting of TC is the responsibility of the teams. TC extra cost -500 points each.
- Transfers
Transfers between human managers are prohibited. They are only allowed transfers with the CPU. Each transfer out of that standard costs -50 points.
The new scout settings are sufficient to solve any problem in your team.
- Advanced Tools
The Funds Club Compensation and Timers will be turned off, as the following screen:
- Teams
Pick the wrong team with the same goal will cost -250 points.
Pick the wrong team different objective and that does not allow the opposing selection have the right goals, will win the team harmed by 1000-0. (Ex .: Take 2 equal goals to the same selection.)
Follow here the battles of Phase III. Error, copy the link and paste it into your browser to get!
Good luck to all the teams !!!
Group A:
:flag_ea: vs :flag_pl:Group B:
:flag_mx: vs :flag_id:
:flag_br: vs :flag_eg:Group
:flag_fr: vs :flag_tn:
:flag_ar: vs :flag_sv:Group
:flag_it: vs :flag_be:Group E:
:flag_ru: vs :flag_ch:
:flag_ro: vs :flag_hu:Group F:
:flag_gb: vs :flag_sk:
:flag_pt: vs :flag_si: -
@Adilmo-Rocha And where is Serbia here? I can't see the flag...
Go Go Brasil!!!
Matchday 9 :-
:flag_br: 819
:flag_eg: 862 -
@SINISTER4 very exciting battle mate, good luck
WNT R3 - Jornada 9/22
Argentina : 1147*
El Salvador : 498
Total : 1645Diferencia : +649 *
Sanción incluida -
@Raúl-Caruso-Lombardi Good luck Argentina!
Just as curiosity, this is the fourth edition of the tournament.
His editions and the champions were:
1st edition 2014 = 4 teams
2nd edition 2014 = 8 teams
3rd edition 2015 = 16 teams
4th edition 2016 = 28 teams
Who will it be?
Who is the favorite selection for you?
@Adilmo-Rocha First Favourite Indonesia
Second is TurkeyThis year, most countries are really successful and very strong, I offer respects to all of them individually...
There are a lot of really strong teams this year. Poland, Romania, Italy, Portugal and of course Russia - are my favorites.
Romania has already lost to Russia and Italy is suffering at the hands of Belgium.
Portugal are having a very tough battle against Serbia.
Russia as far as I can see is not having an easy life with Switzerland either.
I think it will give Brazil !!!
@Adilmo-Rocha Yes I think, do not worry.
Victory isn't always given very easily. Difficult battles harden you and make you stronger.
P.S. Russian team controls the tide of battle.
@Adilmo-Rocha Thank you again for this beautiful event
@sexmachine1997 My favorite manager Katy
@sexmachine1997 said in __WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__:
P.S. Russian team controls the tide of battle.
That's it! Let's see this strength and this control there in front !!!