League Recruits
Dear All,
Looking for great managers to join our league,
I am the moderator, no access necessary
League: English Premier League
Teams Taken: 6 /20thanks
League: Albania
Day: Preparation day 3
1 team left only, join, it is goal 9! -
Hi everyone.
Check out this league...
League: Word Championship A;
Teams: 3 free teams from a total of 16;
Free teams: Costa Rica, Grécia and México;
Round: 0;
Name : Campionato del Mondo A;
Moderator: osm;
Open league!!!Join for a full league!
Christmas League - http://en.onlinesoccermanager.com/League/77072067/ChooseTeam
Teams: 3/8
round: 0search for my nickname: Alexandrezz03
League: Montenegro :flag_me:
Match start: 18 hours
Number of clubs in the league: 10
Number of free clubs in the league: 8 -
@anderezenarro said in New league:
Today start one new league , write asierbueno and enter to a league of premier. Vaaa
League: Hong Kong - http://en.onlinesoccermanager.com/League/60167085/ChooseTeam
League ID: 60167085
Week: -3 of 22 -
Croatia - http://en.onlinesoccermanager.com/League/61090795/ChooseTeam
League name: Liga AC Bubol
Match start: 50 hours
Number of clubs in the league: 10
Number of free clubs in the league: 8 -
Country: Hungary
League name: 40º a la sombra
League moderator: Markez17
League number: 2925962511/12 Free teams
League: Japan
League number: 16303249
Match start: 94 hours
Number of clubs in the league: 18
Number of free clubs in the league: 6I like friends who love competition and will be active in the league
Hi, currently I'm in Turkish 2nd league and there are 4 free teams with goals 7 and 12, we start tomorrow.
Championship: Italy \ Serie A
Name Italia
Moderator: osm
Cup: Yes
Free Teams: 13/20 ( 7 free teams)
Day: Pre season 4 -
@mihau1878 said in League Recruits:
Country: Italy
League name: Serie A- mihau1878 League- s3
League moderator: mihau1878
League number: 29292782
Teams:7/20 Free teams -
@riccardoakadrakes said in League Recruits:
Championship: Italy \ Serie A
Name Italia
Moderator: osm
Cup: Yes
Free Teams: 13/20 ( 7 free teams)
Day: Pre season 4Ciao Riccardo.
A friendly advice for you and every fellow manager of OSM :
It is best to know and post the Number of the League that you are trying to advertise here.
For example, your league number is shown on this link :
http://en.onlinesoccermanager.com/League/29292992/ChooseTeamSo it is the: 29292992
Best of luck mate ! ( Buona fortuna amico! ) :v_tone1: