Please give me an accurate answer, yes or no?
**Dear Whom it may concern Now the chinese game palyer have reached your request?If we can have the Chinese version?Now the OSM other language‘s version competely limited chinese player‘s level。I believe that the Chinese OSM group will become more and more larger if you can open chinese version。This is our million Chinese player‘s desire,I beg the GB pay more attention to our countries。
Please give me an accurate answer, yes or no?
Can there be a Chinese version?
What time?** -
For the last time, there won't be a Chinese language version at the moment.
@SexyBig said in Please give me an accurate answer, yes or no?:
**Dear Whom it may concern Now the chinese game palyer have reached your request?If we can have the Chinese version?Now the OSM other language‘s version competely limited chinese player‘s level。I believe that the Chinese OSM group will become more and more larger if you can open chinese version。This is our million Chinese player‘s desire,I beg the GB pay more attention to our countries。
Please give me an accurate answer, yes or no?
Can there be a Chinese version?
What time?**Dear Mr. SexyBig ( nice nick btw, lol ) I would like to thank you for your post and your visit to the English -Global forum of OSM.
About your question and request. My friend none of the Moderators or Staff of OSM can ever answer you with a simple Yes or No. Your country with a population of over 1.381 billion, it's the world's most populous country.
So I'm sure you can understand that your request has to do with a well known law : the law of supply and demand. If the number of the Chinese players do grow to the point that the OSM owners or developers realise that the game requires a new Group Language then I suppose they will work on that for all of you Chinese users.
Please try to see that this kind of decisions come from the owners of this game after a careful research .
Till then we can only hope for your patience and that you can feel like home on the Global version.Thank you very much once again for your post. Your voices were heard and that's the beginning of everything.:handshake_tone2: