__WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__
First, I wanna apologize for the Niklas words if someone was offended.
But, all he said is true, we didnt anything wrong or illegal. The argentines and Adilmo are lacking our respect for all that they are doing. So, I wanna a apology from this people too like I did.Now, I think that do an investigation is something so stupid. Why? They know that this fifht campus doesnt exist (their selector and the captain accepted defeat by MP) and Adilmo didnt receive sufficient evidence to start this investigation. All he receive is a photo with a stupid assumption from them! Please men, lets be serius! Its simple, they are trying classify from his "desk" with humbug.
Adilmo, if you want that this tournament will be serious, you know what you must do.
First of all I demand respect!
Second, any denunciation must be analyzed, yet one more that can alter the outcome of a battle.
Third, we are here working seriously and for free! Without gaining anything for it!
Result confirmed = Uruguay win!
Argentina 1069 Uruguay 1088
Congratulating the rival was a great battle from start to finish very fought
This post is deleted!
This post is deleted!
@Cirujeanding @Nicolás31 @Nikläs-Klöp
I will denounce the post of both and I do not want this subject here anymore. Argentina lost on account of their penalties and could have won if it was not for that.
Uruguay is not better, but it has won. End!
Now let's follow the tournament !!!
@mrtgll33 said in __WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__:
Hello to everyone
Last 16 Results
- Here are Quarter Final Battles.
!!! UP !!!
:flag_id: Indonesia Line Up :
Away Team
G1 - LASK Linz :point_right_tone3: frandvember
G3 - Wacker Innsbruck :point_right_tone3: Ayah Rafa
G5 - SV Horn :point_right_tone3: adi putra99
G7 - Austria Lustenau :point_right_tone3: dw13ow
G9 - WSG Wattens :point_right_tone3: Aldy BrahmantyoGood Luck Indonesia...Go Go Indonesia wins...
@NusantaraErwan Go Go Go Indonesia Wins :first_place:
@NusantaraErwan said in __WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__:
:flag_id: Indonesia Line Up :
Away Team
G1 - LASK Linz :point_right_tone3: frandvember
G3 - Wacker Innsbruck :point_right_tone3: Ayah Rafa
G5 - SV Horn :point_right_tone3: adi putra99
G7 - Austria Lustenau :point_right_tone3: dw13ow
G9 - WSG Wattens :point_right_tone3: Aldy BrahmantyoGood Luck Indonesia...Go Go Indonesia wins...
@NusantaraErwan said in __WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__:
:flag_id: Indonesia Line Up :
Away Team
G1 - LASK Linz :point_right_tone3: frandvember
G3 - Wacker Innsbruck :point_right_tone3: Ayah Rafa
G5 - SV Horn :point_right_tone3: adi putra99
G7 - Austria Lustenau :point_right_tone3: dw13ow
G9 - WSG Wattens :point_right_tone3: Aldy BrahmantyoGood Luck Indonesia...Go Go Indonesia wins...
Go Go Go Indonesia Wins :first_place:
Captain of Indonesian Team : Aldy Brahmantyo
@NusantaraErwan said in __WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__:
:flag_id: Indonesia Line Up :
Away Team
G1 - LASK Linz :point_right_tone3: frandvember
G3 - Wacker Innsbruck :point_right_tone3: Ayah Rafa
G5 - SV Horn :point_right_tone3: adi putra99
G7 - Austria Lustenau :point_right_tone3: dw13ow
G9 - WSG Wattens :point_right_tone3: Aldy Brahmantyo (C)Good Luck Indonesia...Go Go Indonesia wins...
:flag_uy: Uruguay Line Up: (Home Team)
G1- Martin Barrio
G3- Hugo Marcel Carrasco
G5- SantiCaprile (PM)
G7- Nicolás31
G9- Uruguay_2012 (C) -
Line-up Brazil :flag_br: (Home Team)
G1 - Mano Meneses. C and PM
G3 - supereduardosilva
G5 - Dili 7
G7 - Thi Churras
G9 - Cidadewap -
@Lord-Supreme said in __WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__:
Line-up Brazil :flag_br: (Home Team)
G1 - Mano Meneses. C and PM
G3 - supereduardosilva
G5 - Dili 7
G7 - Thi Churras
G9 - CidadewapLine Up Brazil :
4 Manager it's same with Last 16 Round WNT 2016, Just 1 changes manager ?That is violation for the rules, Adilmo ?
In the end that rule was eliminated, the only rule left is that you can not line up more than 3 managers of the same crew.
Spain - Home Team
G1 - salva pani
G3 - Ola Ola Oma (C) (PM)
G5 - Perik76
G7 - javipaniello
G9 - jorgebusty7 -
@NusantaraErwan said in __WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__:
Line Up Brazil :
4 Manager it's same with Last 16 Round WNT 2016, Just 1 changes manager ?
That is violation for the rules, Adilmo ?Not violation!
What is forbidden is to use more than 3 members from the same group. Repeat managers is allowed right from the start!
@jorgebusty7 said in __WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__:
In the end that rule was eliminated, the only rule left is that you can not line up more than 3 managers of the same crew.