Can't find your Topic/Post? Read this!
Hi manager,
Welcome again to OSM forums!Have you made a topic or post and now you can no longer find it?
Then probably it is due to one of the following two reasons :
You used another language besides English.
If that was the case, your post was deleted in order to try and keep this forum tidy and clean. Having all those posts in a non-English language were making harder for our Support members to keep trace of all open topics and provide the help needed to our users, so we decided to remove those topics/posts.If you still haven't found your language's forum, either it doesn't exist or you're still on your first login on these forums. Please first log out and afterwards re-login. You should now be able to see them, if your Group of language is available that is.
If there are no forums on your language, please redo your topic, but this time in English language!
We're sorry for the inconvenience, but only with the help of all of you, we can have good and vibrant forums and provide a good support for everyone!
You made a post which was referred to a potential cheat report.
If that was the case , we must inform you that no cheat report is to be discussed or handled in any way via the public forums! For two different reasons :
a) It is neither fair nor polite to accuse in public a manager without being absolutely sure first that a OSM rule was broken. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to justice and fair game play!
b) It is pointless to make such posts because no Forum Moderator has the tools or ability to do anything to solve such cases of potential cheating. Every manager is able to file a official cheat report by using the Report Cheater button and this way contacting the OSM Support Team via email. -
- How can I access other languages forums?
It's in fact quite easy and you can do it just with 3 mouse clicks:
F FC Eddie_NL referenced this topic on