The Eagles Cup
The Dillon Panthers vs Men Of Honour
Home Team
G1 - Vardar
G3 - Bregalnicainvinciblemanagerpapa22
G5 - Silekshfestos
G7 - PelisterHagsten
G9 - ShkupiKing_Jamiu_10 (C)
13/ Lion Kong vs 52/Maron
Home Team
G3-Il Phenomenon
G5-Abang Becak
G7-ThoriqJr (C)
G9-Lord Indra Rodriguez -
I'm sorry Mr @Dovco_HandF my crew change line up and this is fix
away team
g1. adi putra99
g3. RendiKurniawan
g5 mr lippj
g7. aris sayang anggie (PM)
g9. NusantaraErwan (C) -
This post is deleted!
13/Lion Kong vs 52/Maron
Away Team
G1 Prudential Syariah
G3 GuerrieriUltras (PM)
G5 Cakmuk
G7 chindilcuk (C)
G9 VancolleyS -
Line up Klewes Street Elite :
G1 Shkendija > Headhunter22
G3 Makedonija GjP > paopao jr
G5 Rabotnicki > sir alexs boby ferguson (C) (PM)
G7 Pobeda > Dhede Shantiez
G9 Renova > Rolando Alkha AL Muraish -
Hy, Round 2:
10/Hungarian Fighters vs 55/The Last WarriorsHungarian Fighters
G1 - VardarSzilágyi 70
G3 - BregalnicaGamsza
G5 - SileksGipsz Béla
G7 - Pelistergyalusbenedek
G9 - Shkupichypy20 (C)
Andreas Falsreplied to Dovco_HandF on 11 Jul 2017, 07:41 last edited by Andreas Fals 11 Jul 2017, 07:43
Correct !
Team Away
Line up Klewes Street Elite :G1
G3paopao jr
G5sir alexs boby ferguson (C) (PM)
G7Dhede Shantiez
G9Rolando Alkha AL Murais
Adjie Fathurrizki -
30/Força Master Brasileira vs 35/Fat Lords
Away Team - Fat Lords
OBJ 1 - Shkendija - Lucho0004 (C) (PM)
OBJ 3 - Makedonija GjP - Upsallata
OBJ 5 - Rabotnicki - Polska78500
OBJ 7 - Pobeda - Ibrahimomovic29
OBJ 9 - Renova - Jalanick -
**Master Coach ** vs Mafia Brazil
Line up:
Ob. 1 ValdarSergio Labo (cap.)
Ob. 3 BregalnicaMr. Precision
Ob. 5 Silekscamillo79
Ob. 7 PelisterCistoldi
Ob. 9 ShkupiMister Baldo74
@romito61 said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
@romito61 said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
Eye of The Tiger vs. Glory of Indonesia
Eye of the Tiger Home Team
Galaxxxxy - Vardar (obb 1)
AngelVincy - Bregalnica Tblisi (obb 3)
Asiatico85 - Sileks (obb 5)
Begghito - Samtredia (obb 7)
(Cap.) Romito61 - Kokheti Poli (obb 9)Sorry...... the line up corrrect
Eye of The Tiger vs. Glory of Indonesia
Eye of the Tiger Home Team
Galaxxxxy - Vardar (obb 1)
AngelVincy - Bregalnica Tblisi (obb 3)
Asiatico85 - Sileks (obb 5)
Begghito - Pelister (obb 7)
(Cap.) Romito61 - Shkupi (obb 9) -
jose maonangis Indonesian Userswrote on 11 Jul 2017, 09:50 last edited by jose maonangis 11 Jul 2017, 09:51
:flag_id: Exodus Of The Eagle :flag_id:
G1 :
G3 : jose maonangis (c)
G5 : teguh011
G7 : didi junior do santos
G9 : Vicenzo Montenals
@jose-maonangis said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
:flag_id: Exodus Of The Eagle :flag_id:
G1 :
G3 : jose maonangis (c)
G5 : teguh011
G7 : didi junior do santos
G9 : Vicenzo Montenals
Please enter the player who is the (PM) of your group during the 2nd round of The Eagles Cup 3.0 2017.
Polish Legends:flag_pl: vs :flag_es:Platinum Warriors
- Goal
- Vardar
- Goal
- Bregalnica
- Goal
- Sileks
Byku Duma Warmii
- Goal
- Pelister
Mati Colchoner
- Goal
- Shkupi
- Goal
11 Die Trophäensammler vs 54 Giovani Bravi Ragazzi
away team
G1 mrfabio01
G3 capricebasta (c)
G5 balo_pingu
G7 misterpeloro (PM)
G9 LoreDema98 -
@Damiś27 Sorry I do not understand. Our crew team is playing away what needs to include PM? Thank You .. and that makes the league a home / away party
The Best of Turkey vs :flag_br:Brasil United
Away Team
- Shkendija
RooH Cr7
Goal- Makedonija
rapha logam
Goal- Robotnicki
Bani Denovo:regional_indicator_c: (PM)
Goal- Pobeda
Goal- Renova
Andrey van
So Round 2 is the away party team that makes the league?