The Eagles Cup
28/Trabzonspor vs 37/Arab Crew
Home Team
G1: ReD_DeViL61 (Vardar)
G3: tankkaplani (Bregalnica)
G5: İbrahim PEKYN (Sileks)
G7: Gkcc1903 (Pelister)
G9: Sadettin Tekelioğlu (Shkupi) -
@XRATED69 said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
27/Draco's Crew vs 38/ The Managers
G1 - supereduardosilva
G3 - elcancro11
G5 - Sr Igor Alex
G7 - XRATED69 (PM)
G9 - gabbrielll (C)Thank you :ok_hand_tone1:
27/Draco's Crew
vs 38/ The Managers
@lazio1 said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
Idios Assassins vs Phantoms ACADEMY
Away Team: Phantoms ACADEMY
- G1 - Shkendija - nalimnalim
- G3 - Makedonija GjP - AndreaGForzin
- G5 – Rabotnicki - lazio1 (C) (PM)
- G7 - Pobeda - Enrico Palmas
- G9 - Renova - DAMELI LORIS
Thank you :ok_hand_tone1:
18/Idios Assassins vs 47/Phantoms ACADEMY
@Dr-Luismar-Campos said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
30/Força Master Brasileira vs 35/Fat Lords
Home Team- Força Master Brasileira
G1 – Vardar – Dr Luismar Campos (C)
G3 – Bregalnica - felipe_csb
G5 – Sileks - luiz eduardo souza fc
G7 – Pelister - sport8510
G9 – Shkupi - lucas santos lemosThank you :ok_hand_tone1:
30/Força Master Brasileira
vs 35/Fat Lords
@iron0511 said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
11/Die Trophäensammler vs 54/Giovani Bravi Ragazzi
Home Team
G9-RudiA.Thank you :ok_hand_tone1:
11/Die Trophäensammler
vs 54/Giovani Bravi Ragazzi
REVENGE vs Dynamis
G1 - Vardar
G3 - BregalnicaAtletic Van Goof
G5 - Sileks -matty90c
G7 - PelisterRafelmaz
G9 - ShhkupiAngelo Jones
Dovco_HandFreplied to SINISTER4 on 11 Jul 2017, 16:46 last edited by Dovco_HandF 11 Jul 2017, 16:47
@SINISTER4 said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
The Dillon Panthers vs Men Of Honour
Away Team
G1 - Shkendija
G3 - Makedonija GjPSINISTER4 (C) (PM)
G5 - Rabotnickikalifornya
G7 - Pobedathe nouh miftah
G9 - RenovaMess s
Thank you :ok_hand_tone1:
21/The Dillon Panthers
vs 44/Men Of Honour
@I-Love-Niken said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
Merah – Putih vs Irmãos Metralhas
Home Team
G3Jose Ajimou
G5I Love Niken [C]
G7chariem el nino
Thank you :ok_hand_tone1:
5/Merah – Putih
vs 60/Irmãos Metralhas
@Banished said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
Round 2 - All Star Crew X New Age
Away TeamGoal 1 - Lucas Pereira LP
Goal 3 - Adryyanno Ramon
Goal 5 - pedroquerido14
Goal 7 - Léo Campos11
Goal 9 - BanishedCaptain : Banished(G9)
Potencial Moderator : Banished (G9)Thank you :ok_hand_tone1:
15/All Star Crew vs 50/New Age
@aris-sayang-anggie said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
32 PolishWarriors vs 33 Legion Crusher
line up
away team
G1 adi putra99
G3 aris sayang anggie ( PM)
G5 mr lippj
G7 NusantaraErwan
G9 ekynov (C)thank you
32 PolishWarriors vs 33 Legion Crusher
@King_Jamiu_10 said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
The Dillon Panthers vs Men Of Honour
Home Team
G1 - Vardar
G3 - Bregalnicainvinciblemanagerpapa22
G5 - Silekshfestos
G7 - PelisterHagsten
G9 - ShkupiKing_Jamiu_10 (C)
Thank you :ok_hand_tone1:
21/The Dillon Panthers
vs 44/Men Of Honour
@ThoriqJr said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
13/ Lion Kong vs 52/Maron
Home Team
G3-Il Phenomenon
G5-Abang Becak
G7-ThoriqJr (C)
G9-Lord Indra RodriguezThank you :ok_hand_tone1:
13/ Lion Kong
vs 52/Maron
@aris-sayang-anggie said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
I'm sorry Mr @Dovco_HandF my crew change line up and this is fix
away team
g1. adi putra99
g3. RendiKurniawan
g5 mr lippj
g7. aris sayang anggie (PM)
g9. NusantaraErwan (C)No problem :thumbsup_tone1:.
@chindilcuk said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
13/Lion Kong vs 52/Maron
Away Team
G1 Prudential Syariah
G3 GuerrieriUltras (PM)
G5 Cakmuk
G7 chindilcuk (C)
G9 VancolleySThank you :ok_hand_tone1:
13/Lion Kong
vs 52/Maron
Spartacus Legends
Home Team
G1 Vardar - @Stefan Joptwojmać (c)
G3 Bregalnica - @Wojtyn84
G5 Sileks - @pawelbiniek1
G7 Pelister - @The Special Mourinho 64
G9 Shkupi - @AC Bubol (m) -
@Andreas-Fals said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
Line up Klewes Street Elite :
G1 Shkendija > Headhunter22
G3 Makedonija GjP > paopao jr
G5 Rabotnicki > sir alexs boby ferguson (C) (PM)
G7 Pobeda > Dhede Shantiez
G9 Renova > Rolando Alkha AL MuraishThank you :ok_hand_tone1:
7/Nusantara United vs 58/Klewes Street Elite
@chypy20 said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
Hy, Round 2:
10/Hungarian Fighters vs 55/The Last WarriorsHungarian Fighters
G1 - VardarSzilágyi 70
G3 - BregalnicaGamsza
G5 - SileksGipsz Béla
G7 - Pelistergyalusbenedek
G9 - Shkupichypy20 (C)
10/Hungarian Fighters
vs 55/The Last Warriors
@Andreas-Fals said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
Correct !
Team Away
Line up Klewes Street Elite :G1
G3paopao jr
G5sir alexs boby ferguson (C) (PM)
G7Dhede Shantiez
G9Rolando Alkha AL Murais
Adjie FathurrizkiNo problem :ok_hand_tone1:.
@lucho0004 said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
30/Força Master Brasileira vs 35/Fat Lords
Away Team - Fat Lords
OBJ 1 - Shkendija - Lucho0004 (C) (PM)
OBJ 3 - Makedonija GjP - Upsallata
OBJ 5 - Rabotnicki - Polska78500
OBJ 7 - Pobeda - Ibrahimomovic29
OBJ 9 - Renova - JalanickThank you :ok_hand_tone1:
30/Força Master Brasileira
vs 35/Fat Lords