The Eagles Cup
Congrulations Pejabat
And and and @Dovco_HandF really great and big tournament, good work dearrr Dovco! -
Thank you all of you for your kind words. We are just rival inside the battlefield but on the outside, we can keep a good friendship and keep the respect each others. The other competitions are still running, let's fight with our best and reach the glory. Good luck, all.
@Dovco_HandF I hope the next edition of The Eagle Cup will be more successful than before.
@Restimat The Eagles Cup 2017 will be in this year, buddy
@Dovco_HandF Thanks for the good news Dovco!!!
We will be waiting for it!!!
@Batyr-Myadysoyunov For me it is a pleasure, buddy
@Dovco_HandF very good tournament Dovco, we will waiting for the next edition
and This is the one and Only @Aldy-Brahmantyo, congratulation for your crew
@Aldy-Brahmantyo Congratulations PeTe
Good start for Indonesian Manager :thumbsup_tone2:
Thank you all for this tournament and congratulations to Pejabat!
@Dovco_HandF you did a great job!!! :slight_smile:
The Eagles Cup 3.0 2016 Round 1
Countr of Leaque: Austria 2nd Division
End Date: 13/07/2016-08/08/2016Tugas 1000:0 TURAN ORDUSU
Spartacus Legends 420:1710 BROKER INOSMIA
MerahPutih 1000:0 Gilani Fighters (DSQ)
The Best of Turkey 1791:551 Vingadores Brasil Crew
Pichichis de Leyenda 1969:480 Ganbatte Kudasai
Master Coach 1918:297 CONTUGAL
ŁǾЯЊ (DSQ) 0:1000 Exodus Of The Eagle
Polish Legends 1277:1168 Dynamis
Husarya_PL 1463:950 Men Of Honour
All Star Crew 967:1385 The Alliance
The Special Forces 982:1271 Born in the USSR
Argentinos al mango 1140:1200 Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
Polish Eagles 1805:615 Managers Academy Group
IDIOS ASSASSINS (Team "A") 2008:425 Arab Crew
IDIOS ASSASSINS (Team "B") 679:1553 OSM Striker Ultras
REVENGE 1654:877 Fats Lords
The Dillon Panthers 1276:728 Indonesia Glory
Domination 1699:722 Master Coach Junior
PEJABAT TERAS 1177:1290 Le Crabe Crewstillant
TRABZONSPOR 1461 1357:735 Polish Slavic Group
RED SKULLS 1110:1268 Força GaláticaThe Eagles Cup 2016 3.0 Round 2
Country of Leaque: Paraguay
End Date: 13/08/2016-08/09/2016Tugas 1350 - 972 BROKER INOSMIA
MerahPutih 989:1403 SEVDAMIZ FUTBOL
The Best of Turkey 1884:573 Exodus Of The Eagle
Pichichis de Leyenda 872:1557 Dynamis
Master Coach 1290:1155 Men Of Honour
Polish Legends 522:1882 The Alliance
Husarya_PL 569:1793 Born in the USSR
All Star Crew 1210:1194 Karadeniz İmparatorluğu
The Special Forces 1431:1018 vs OSM Striker Ultras
Argentinos al mango 1984:440 Fat Lords (previously:Big Boy Team)
Polish Eagles 1755:700 Indonesia Glory
IDIOS ASSASSINS 1064:857 Le Crabe Crewstillant
REVENGE 2010:394 Polish Slavic Group
The Dillon Panthers 632:1776 Força Galática
Domination 777:1673 RED SKULLS
PEJABAT TERAS 1861:576 TRABZONSPOR 1461The Eagles Cup 3.0 2016 Round 3
Country of League: Singapore
Date: 13.09.2016 - 08.10.2016Tugas 1840:557 SEVDAMIZ FUTBOL
The Best of Turkey 1020: 1415 Dy
Master Coach 752: 1636 The Alliance
All Star Crew 712 :1708 Born in the USSR
The Special Forces 830:1570 Força Galática
Argentinos al mango 1509:928 RED SKULLS
Polish Eagles 535:1946 PEJABAT TERAS
IDIOS ASSASSINS 1086:1296 REVENGEThe Eagles Cup 3.0 2016 Round 4 (quarterfinal)
Country of League: Faroe Islands
Date: 13.10.2016 - 08.11.2016Tugas 1499:821 Dynamis
Argentinos al mango 879:1542 The Alliance
PEJABAT TERAS 1557:742 Força Galática
REVENGE 1311:1135 Born in the USSRThe Eagles Cup 3.0 Round 5 (semifinal)
Country of League: Albania
Date: 13.11.2016 - 08.12.2016Tugas: 1074:1223 The Alliance
REVENGE 792:1662 Pejabat TerasThe Eagles Cup 3.0 Round 6 (Grand final)
Country of League: Honduras
Date: 13.12.2016 - 07.01.2017Pejabat Teras 1482:930 The Alliance
Place/Crew name/Points of GC
1.Pejabat Teras-10
2.The Alliance-83.REVENGE-6
3.Tugas-65.Born in the USSR-5
7.Argentinos al mango-5
8.Força Galática-59.IDIOS ASSASSINS-4
10.The Best of Turkey-4
12.The Special Forces-4
13.Master Coach-4
14.All Star Crew-4
16.Polish Eagles-417.Karadeniz İmparatorluğu-3
18.Men Of Honour-3
19.Le Crabe Crewstillant-3
21.OSM Striker Ultras-3
23.Pichichis de Leyenda-3
25.Indonesia Glory-3
26.The Dillon Panthers-3
29.Exodus Of The Eagle-3
30.Polish Legends-3
31.Fat Lords (previously:Big Boy Team) -3
32.Polish Wariors (previously:Polish Slavic Group)-333.Master Coach Junior -1
34.Managers Academy Group-1
35.Vingadores Brasil Crew-1
36.Spartacus Legends-1
37.Ganbatte Kudasai-1
38.Arab Crew-1
40-43.ARAB EAGLES -0
40-43.Gilani Fighters -0
40-43.ŁǾЯЊ -0General classification (GC) after 1 edition:
Disqualification / walkover at any time=0 points
Participant of round 1- place 33-39=1 point
Participant of round 2 - place 17-32=3 points
Participant of round 3 - place 9-16=4 points
Participant of round 4(quarterfinal)- place 5-8=5 points
Participant of round 5(semifinal) - place 3-4=6 poitns
Participant of round 6 (grand final)- place 2=8 points
Participant of round 6 (grand final) - place 1=10 pointsSoon will be the table with these results :thumbsup_tone1:
Great Work, Dovco! How GC will affect on participation or drawing on next EC edition?
Thx but no buddy. Will be the same rules of deployment Crews: every round from oldest to youngest. GC is for information and statistics onlyWill see who will have the most points after 10, 15 years...