The Eagles Cup
@Dovco_HandF Where can I see the rules of battlepedia?
By mistake of rivals, you win the battle. The question is how much you are human to give your opponent a chance to play something. -
@Dovco_HandF said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
By mistake of rivals, you win the battle. The question is how much you are human to give your opponent a chance to play something.
We are loyal. Humanity is different
Set the proper rules for the next and these problems will not happen anymore.
@Le-Tre-Creste I agreed for penalty that you set. One manager is still missing in the league, I know that you want to change one manager because he join to wrong league but 2nd change? @Pek_85? Don't understand it.
Did you accept 600 penalty points and block the 4-shift session round the second day of the presidency? -
Did you accept 600 penalty points and block the 4-round session round the second day of the presidency? * -
@Le-Tre-Creste Yes pek_85
@ToomAnyWays I changed zebrone75 with darren2205 anyway you had to post your battle line.
It is not my fault if we have received wrong invitations from the polish Legend. -
@Le-Tre-Creste So whats about @Pek_85? Why he'll play?
Perche daryldixon7 è stato invitato nella battaglia sbagliata e non riesce a dimettersi nel pre stagione -
Mate, use only English language here :ok_hand_tone1: -
Darildixon7 was invited to uma battle wrong by polish Legend
Not my fault and we have been penalized by this affair -
@MenagerBL said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
Mate that's not a penalty.
In the matchday column you can clearly see -2 (2nd prep day).
Not -1. -1 is the 1st prep day.That's what I told him, so foolish not to put the sale
@Dovco_HandF said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
I remind you that penalties are not automatic. Captains first conduct a dialogue on penalties, and then as there is no consensus, then the penalties are by the Rules of the tournament. :ok_hand_tone1:No one answered on my messages, the transfers are going forward easly so what can we do now?
The moderator of polish warriors asked me to replace pek_85 with darildixon7 ...
Do you confirm that there will be no penalty? -
@Le-Tre-Creste Yes, no penalty and -500 points for all transfers. Is it all right, for you? :ok_hand_tone1:
NoI do not see why we have to make a fight and accept this proposal seen as the polish warriors run teams are ahead of us as our pink value.
We accept 600 penalty points and block 4 market sessions for their team.
Or decree the table win those good polish Warriors vs Quei Bravi Ragazzi 0-1000