The Eagles Cup
I Love Nikenreplied to Dovco_HandF on 15 Jun 2017, 07:54 last edited by I Love Niken 15 Jun 2017, 07:55
@Diaz-Hadynata said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
- what is this a violation ?? see in the picture,
Http:// - Potential Our moderator wrongly makes the setting at a shortened time to no, is there a workaround for this?
- Crew The opponent chooses the team does not fit their Line up list, exchanges clubs but their own fellow crew, what is it including the offense?
@Dovco_HandF said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
Conclusion: First, try to solve problems with captains of the opponents.You can certainly discuss everything and get along. On the forum we write when there is no dialogue between the captains and only then we apply the penalty regulations.
All right?Hello @Dovco_HandF , The Gunner captain didnt respond our PM, so we decide to claim pinalty for The Gunner crew.
- They do 7 transfers on first preparation day (-350)
- Since PM does not make the league as specified, we will keep doing fair play, not to use banned items (TC, private funds, instant timers). But we do not know how many penalty points if they use TC.
- They took the team not according to the line up in the post (-350).
@Diaz-Hadynata @Dovco_HandF @ูุณุงู ู1
regards - what is this a violation ?? see in the picture,
@I-Love-Niken said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
They do 7 transfers on first preparation day (-350)
Since PM does not make the league as specified, we will keep doing fair play, not to use banned items (TC, private funds, instant timers). But we do not know how many penalty points if they use TC.
They took the team not according to the line up in the post (-350).They do 7 transfers on first preparation day (-350) Yes :ok_hand_tone2:
They took the team not according to the line up in the post (-350). Yes :ok_hand_tone1:
If the league is with the TC, it is a mistake and should be resolved and re-created. Exception: The consent of two captains, that they play in the league using training camps / without training camps. Points penalties are not provided.
Thank you. -
@Dovco_HandF The opposing crew captain can not complain we, until 2x24 hours they have not replied to our message, how to solve the problem.
@Dovco_HandF said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
@Dovco_HandF said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
Regarding the penalties, I wrote my position here:Pick the wrong team with the same goal will cost: -150 points.
Pick the wrong team with the diffrent goal will cost: -300 points.
Always captains can to do deal and they can communicate with each other. If you do not reach a consensus - will be apply look penalty system above.Every mistake must be reported in this forum topic!
All reported penalties, must be accompanied by proof (screen print).As usual in the first round there was a lot of confusion with the transfers, because not everyone read the tournament forum and the rules of the battle at The Eagles Cup 3.0 2017. Unfortunately many managers do not want to agree on penalties, they see the chance of a bonus of -1000 points at the start of battle.
For the good of the tournament I am announcing that the maximum penalty for 10 transfers and more, made on the first day of preparation can not be more than -500 points for all transfers. I request about communication between both crew captains fighting in battles, who have this problem to solve and to agree.
Please respect this decision. Thank you and enjoy!
@WaterhoenNL you can write to me an appeal. And I will examine them and give you a reply within 24 h. But she will be the same as my post published above, dearYou can also protest and leave the tournament if you want. This is your decision, I'm going to bed. Good night.
To be honest, this is very onprofessional and its like where dealing with amateurs.
Its very easy the rules are simple, but its your decision.
But just wanted to let you know that this kinda decisions make you very plausible for a job like this or even make an event like this.Hope next time you will obey your own rules and acked like man and take the right decision.
If the rukes are clear they are clear, its your own work to let your crew know about this rules
This is just my opinion, no hard feelings but this is something i wanted to let you know
Greetz from Dave
I do not know why in this tournament was not the usual rules that are always required in the battle of the sale of players can immediately log on to the league and buy as always after the server time .00.00 and there would be no problem, and now it is for some punishing the game does not have sense.
Without training camps!
Only with secret trainings!
The competition format: 5x5
The competition system: knock out
Rules of deployment Crews: Every round from oldest to youngest - Crew Foundation day will decide.
General rules: Based on the general rules in Battlepedia, CCL, CC.Registration: 01-31 May 2017.
Max: 128 crews.
First battles: 13th June 2017.Please provide the full name of the crew for the registration in this topic.
As my group registered this Cup was such a rule, sorry but the rules did not change after registration Dovco and all this confusion was unnecessary.
Unfortunately, this is not a professional approach as there are rules of CCL, Battlepedia, CC let's keep it.
Husary PL resigned from the game !!! -
@Dovco_HandF said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
Of course, -350 points :ok.
What ?
You told me you would not count the violator because we did not know this because we did not read the terms
And you know that !
She told me that the maximum limit for the penalty is to sell or buy 10 you get the penalty if my friend made only 7
If I count 350, tell me to withdraw my team!
Conciliators -
@Dovco_HandF transfer team away to team home. violation? yes or no?
link text -
@Hervanda-Ivan said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
@Dovco_HandF transfer team home to team away. violation? yes or no?
link text -
@sniki26 And yesterday I was still accused of favoring the Polish crews in the tournament
.Good luck, next time try to read also the rules of the tournament, not just preliminary information at the registration. :ok_hand_tone1:.
@Hervanda-Ivan said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
transfer team away to team home. violation? yes or no?
Yes, it will be the same goal. No, if will be different.
Pick the wrong team with the same goal will cost: -150 points.
Pick the wrong team with the different goal will cost: -300 points. -
violation transfer player home to away ?. Seriously?
@Dovco_HandF said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
And yesterday I was still accused of favoring the Polish crews in the tournament .Good luck, next time try to read also the rules of the tournament, not just preliminary information at the registration.
How do you change the rules ro inform priv privo groups YES SIE DO NOT COME !!
See how many teams by your changes in the rules after registration have penalties and withdraw from the game, because no one will normally play with eg 1600 penalty points
Come on everybody... Let's play and have fun!
When we register us of our crew, we accept every rule and decision taken by organization. Why are we angry and discussing about it? If we didn't read rules or something similar, it's our problem.I remind that i asked about teams draw and next day, organization reply me with that info. They are doing their best and they don't have obligation to make it, they only want that we all have fun, battle result doesn't matter and if you want to quit before play it's your decision but remember that OSM is a game and we must play a game for fun and for make the game great!
I feel lucky because in our battle everything goes well by both crews
@Markez17 The reason why we withdraw is just the opposite... it's because of the new rule made by the "leader" that if you make 10 illegal transfers you get the next 20 or something for free. So the crew that obeys the rules gets punished because the "cheaters" can continue for free, even after reminding them of the rules. It doesn't make any sense. So offcourse we retire from this ridiculous tournament and focus on the real tournaments. With rules that doesnt change during the course of the competition in favour of the "cheaters"
Secondly: We want to thank the organisation for the great job they did and our opponents the red skull academy for the fair and honest battle...
And to end all of this a little poem (sort of) like the one in lord of the rings about the one ring.
One rule other than the others
One rule they dont obey
One new rule all of the sudden
And those in the wrong get an advantage!:hand_splayed_tone2:
If someone have the battlepedia can you give me???????
good game
@Dovco_HandF said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
You can offer -300 points for all transfers and continue to play the battle, for example. What is the fun like for getting -1000 points? The battle does not make sense then according to my opinion. But that's just my suggestion. Fair play is very important in sport. Think and play, buddy :thinking:.
I'm sorry @Dovco_HandF By we are willing to continue the match as long as we stick to the predefined pinalty rules WITHOUT RELIEF, a big loss to our crew if they are given only -300 pinalty, We just stick to the original rules before the game starts
The rules, even if wrong, must be respected