[Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic
@MotaNelu said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Crew name : RO MANIA
Crew number : 2797
Crew level : Legendary
Request : 5 points - another year of existence (19.02.2011 - 19.02.2017)
Position of the crew in the official crew ranking : 1Thank you.
Hi mate,
Sorry, but we won't be adding any more crew points. We're not using them anywhere on the game or even on community, so...
We're planning a full revamp on Crew World and if we're going to use these points later on, you can always request them later!
@BillyDS said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Level Request : 3 - Trainner
Level 3 – TrainersThe crew must have an image and logo with Crew name (or abbreviation) on it = yes
The crew must exist for at least 1 month = Yes
The crew must have a crew league = NoCrew name : Newbie Generation
-Crew Number : 14119
-Level request : 3 Trainers.
-The crew must have an image
and logo with Crew name (or
abbreviation) on it : yes.
-The crew must exist for at
least 1 month : yes.
-The crew must have a crew
league : No
-The crew league number : -thanks Admin
@SpecialOne said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Level 3 – Trainers
The crew must have an image and logo with Crew name (or abbreviation) on it
The crew must exist for at least 1 month
The crew must have a crew leagueRejected! Crew doesn't have a crew league.
I wonder why you made the request if you knew that you didn't have a crew league and you needed it !!! -
@BillyDS said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Request Level - 3 Trainers
level Request : 3 - Trainner
Level 3 – TrainersThe crew must have an image and logo with Crew name (or abbreviation) on it = yes
The crew must exist for at least 1 month = Yes
The crew must have a crew league = YesCrew name : Newbie Generation
-Crew Number : 14119
-Level request : 3 Trainers.
-The crew must have an image
and logo with Crew name (or
abbreviation) on it : yes.
-The crew must exist for at
least 1 month : yes.
-The crew must have a crew
league : Yes
-The crew league number : http://en.onlinesoccermanager.com/League/Standings/54101693- My crew league name is Newbie Generation League 3
thanks Admin
Done, congratulations!
@Harun-S. said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Crew name: 1923 Türk Gücü
Crew number: 9430
Requested level: 5
Crew Image and Logo meets the terms(Yes/No)? : Yes
Number of the crew league: 68061678
Number of the crew members: 6
List the managers that meet the activity criteria : Harun S., amarilla2007, önder789, erenq7, dongaa, şükrücan TS
Number of the crew members in the crew league: 6
Does the Crew have a page, and is the information on it up-to-date (yes/no)? Yes
Crew founded on: 25.04.2016
Age of the crew (in months): 11
List the managers that meet the experience criteria: Harun S., amarilla2007, önder789, erenq7, dongaa, şükrücan TS
Position of the crew in the official crew ranking: 57Why did you requested level to be raised in two versions? Your level was already raised by Turkish CM. Please next time request it only on one version or penalties may be applied!
@M-Iqbal-Taufiqul-Hakim said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Level Request : 3 - Trainner
Level 3 – Trainers
The crew must have an image and logo with Crew name (or abbreviation) on it = yes
The crew must exist for at least 1 month = Yes
The crew must have a crew league = YesCrew name : Garut.
- ) Crew Number : 14507.
- ) Level request : 3 Trainers.
- ) The crew must have an image and logo with Crew name (or abbreviation) on it : yes.
- ) The crew must exist for at least 1 month : yes.
- ) The crew must have a crew league : yes .
Rejected! Only 4 crew members in crew league!
A crew league needs a minimum of 5 members to be set/accepted as crew league (Battles are not eligible as crew leagues, because they are temporary)
@Alexander6666 said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Request Level - 3 Trainers
level Request : 3 - Trainner
Level 3 – TrainersThe crew must have an image and logo with Crew name (or abbreviation) on it = yes
The crew must exist for at least 1 month = Yes
The crew must have a crew league = YesCrew name : Bulgaria
-Crew Number : 14521
-Level request : 3 Trainers.
-The crew must have an image
and logo with Crew name (or
abbreviation) on it : yes.
-The crew must exist for at
least 1 month : yes.
-The crew must have a crew
league : Yes
-The crew league number : 57074797My crew league's name is: Bulgaria Crew League
Granted! Congratulations!
Thanks, mate! -
@TSP455 said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Crew level 4 Request
Crew: Ganbatte Kudasai (nr 12333)The crew must have an image and logo with Crew name (or abbreviation) on it: yes
The crew must exist for at least 3 months: yes (since 28-8-2016)
At least 75% of the members of the crew must play in the crew league: yes, 5/6 (all except Chris Mahony72)
The crew must have an up-to-date crew page: yes
The crew must have a minimum of 5 members whose experience must be over 200 matches (on their main account): yes
The crew must be in the Top 100 official crew ranking: yesGranted! Congratulations!
@Bang-Kibo said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Nusantara United
Level Request: 5 - Top Guns
Crew must have an image and logo with the name of the crew on it : YES
Crew must exist for minimum 6 months : Date of birth : June 7, 2012 (58 months)
Crew must have an up-to-date crew page : YES
All the members of the crew must play in the crew league. YES
Crew must have a minimum of 5 members whose experience must be over 300 matches (on the main account). : @Bang-Kibo @Santosa-Jr @Alejandro-Santang @Arif-Romanov @acul-jange @Nasrudin-Ae @DON-NEST
Crew must be in the Top 75 official crew ranking. : At April 10, 2017 , 66th placeThanks,
Bang KiboRejected! Sorry, but if you kicked managers just to request this level, the minimum you should do is update the members list on Crew page (since you've it there).
@Bang-Kibo said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
@SpecialOne Done mate
Nusantara United
Level Request: 5 - Top Guns
Crew must have an image and logo with the name of the crew on it : YES
Crew must exist for minimum 6 months : Date of birth : June 7, 2012 (58 months)
Crew must have an up-to-date crew page : YES
All the members of the crew must play in the crew league. YES
Crew must have a minimum of 5 members whose experience must be over 300 matches (on the main account). : @Bang-Kibo @Santosa-Jr @Alejandro-Santang @Arif-Romanov @acul-jange @Nasrudin-Ae @DON-NEST
Crew must be in the Top 75 official crew ranking. : At April 10, 2017 , 66th placeThanks,
Bang KiboRejected! Sorry, but I still see members that are no longer listed as crew members http://prntscr.com/ev7teq
@Bang-Kibo said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Rejected! Sorry, but I still see members that are no longer listed as crew members http://prntscr.com/ev7teq
You guys should be joking/playing with me!!!
You fix the page and then (or before, can't be sure, cause I don't know when you fixed page) you add 4 new guys to Crew?!?!?!
Rejected for the 3rd time! Make up your mind and make the request only when you're sure about what you really want! (Remember that adding new members will affect ranking, so you need to wait at least one simulation for Cerew ranking to be updated)
@BillyDS said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Crew name: Newbie Generation
Crew number: 14119
Requested level: 4
Crew Image and Logo meets the terms(Yes/No)? : Yes
Number of the crew league: Sorry, I don't know, but name of the crew league is Newbie Generation League 4
Number of the crew members: 18Rejected
A lot more info is needed to request level 4.
While we can say Crew page is updated, since you only have a motto in there, would be nice if you guys add a bit more info!Criteria Common to all levels
- Each crew must have a minimum of 5 active managers (active manager: manager playing in a league and have ended one recently)
- A new level can only be requested 30 days after last level change
- No level can be skipped – you can’t move for example from level 3 to 5 without being on 4th
- A crew league needs a minimum of 5 members to be set/accepted as crew league (Battles are not eligible as crew leagues, because they are temporary)
Level 4 – Favourites
- The crew must have an image and logo with Crew name (or abbreviation) on it
- The crew must exist for at least 3 months
- At least 75% of the members of the crew must play in the crew league.
- The crew must have an up-to-date crew page.
- The crew must have a minimum of 5 members whose experience must be over 200 matches (on their main account).
- The crew must be in the Top 100 official crew ranking.
You should complete this template:
- Crew name:
- Crew number:
- Requested level:
- Number of the crew league:
- Number of the crew members:
- Does Crew have 5 active managers (Yes/No)?
- List them:
- Last crew level upgrade:
- Number of the crew members in the crew league:
- Crew Image and Logo meets the terms (Yes/No)?
- Crew founded on:
- Age of the crew (in months):
- Percentage of crew members that play in crew league meets criteria (yes/no)?
- Does the Crew have a page, and is the information on it up-to-date (yes/no)?
- List the managers that meet the experience criteria:
- Position of the crew in the official crew ranking:
@ConanBarbarzynca said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Crew name : Polish Warriors Academy
Crew Number : 13466.
Level request : 3 Trainers.
The crew must have an image and logo with Crew name (or abbreviation) on it : yes.
The crew must exist for at least 1 month : yes.
The crew must have a crew league : yes .Rejected - Logo doesn't meet criteria. It doesn't mention crew name or crew abbreviation!
@SpecialOne said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
@vince13carter said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Level request: 3 – Trainers
Crew name: MYSTERY
Crew Number: 15041
Number of the crew members: 9The crew must have an image and logo with Crew name (or abbreviation) on it: YES
The crew must exist for at least 1 month: YES
The crew must have a crew league: YESRejected - Image doesn't meet criteria. No crew image at all!
@vince13carter said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Sorry. We fixed now. It's ok now?Granted! Congratulations!
@ConanBarbarzynca said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
@SpecialOne New Image and logo
Crew name : Polish Warriors Academy
Crew Number : 13466.
Level request : 3 Trainers.
The crew must have an image and logo with Crew name (or abbreviation) on it : yes.
The crew must exist for at least 1 month : yes.
The crew must have a crew league : yes .Granted! Congratulations!
@Marcin657827 said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Crew name: Aleja Gwiazd
Crew number : 13884
Requested level: 4 - Favorites
Crew image meets the terms(Yes\No): Yes
Number of the crew league: 362486
Number of the crew members: 11
Number of the crew members in the crew league: 8
Does the crew have a page,and is the information on it up-to-date (Yes\No): Yes
The crew must exist for at least 3 months: Yes
The crew must have a minimum of 5 members whose experience must be over 200 matches (on their main account): yes
The crew must be in the Top 100 official crew ranking: yesRejected
- Crew page not updated (manager list doesn't match)
- You need at least one more member on crew league
@Marcin657827 said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
@SpecialOne said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
@Marcin657827 said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Crew name: Aleja Gwiazd
Crew number : 13884
Requested level: 4 - Favorites
Crew image meets the terms(Yes\No): Yes
Number of the crew league: 362486
Number of the crew members: 11
Number of the crew members in the crew league: 8
Does the crew have a page,and is the information on it up-to-date (Yes\No): Yes
The crew must exist for at least 3 months: Yes
The crew must have a minimum of 5 members whose experience must be over 200 matches (on their main account): yes
The crew must be in the Top 100 official crew ranking: yesRejected
- Crew page not updated (manager list doesn't match)
- You need at least one more member on crew league
Updated group profile, in the group league plays 8/10 players
Number of the crew members: 10Granted! Congratulations!
Crew tools are down for now... As soon as they are back we'll re-open this topic!
Sorry for the inconvenience, but there are quite good reasons behind this
@SpecialOne said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Crew tools are down for now... As soon as they are back we'll re-open this topic!
Sorry for the inconvenience, but there are quite good reasons behind this
Seems that the news will take longer than expected... we'll be updating Crew levels manually!
@mohammedzx1 said in [Crews] Crew Levels Criteria - Requests Topic:
Crew name: Overrated
Crew number: 15985
Requested level: 3 - Trainers
Crew Image and Logo meets the terms(Yes/No)? : Yes
Number of the crew league: 83004604
Number of the crew members: 10
Crew founded on: 08/06/2017
Age of the crew (in months): 1Granted! Congratulations!