★Star Cup★ - 1st Edition
Black Star vs Quei Bravi Ragazzi
Goal 1- Strasucuni
Goal 3- Masterchief_92
Goal 5- Pek_85
Goal 7- Darren2205 (C)
Goal 9- Crisbs -
The Managers vs Nação Tupi
G1 - petrovic6 (C) (PM)
G3 - Gabriela Leticia
G5 - lucas o reiiiiiii
G7 - jeannmaycon1989
G9 - Jonas_BentoGood Luck to All!
StarPers Vs Sa di fi.GA'
G1 - Аllenatore (C, PM)
G3 - NataBelekhova
G5 - Сергей2475
G7 - Астрахан
G9 - Djan.Fox -
G1: The ZyOn
G3: ReisJr18
G5: ricardo soares pereira
G7: igor gostosaum
G9: Dayanne Mayara (C) -
MESTRES Da Bola X Star United
G1 emilioneto86
G3 Matheus Rossaa
G5 Jorge Sampaoli 01
G7 Adriano Côrtes (C)
G9 Samuel Souza 01 -
G1 - João Victor Queiróz
G3 - losedson
G5 - Lord Supreme (C)
G7 - Pabllo Cruz
G9 - willian pelinsonGood Lucky to all include the Giovani..
@pablobenjaminfc said in ★Star Cup★ - 1st Edition:
Draco's Crew Vs Dragones Latinos Away Team
Goal 1-- Linneo Delgado
Goal 3-- Pablobenjaminfc (c)
Goal 5-- Meco1910
Goal 7-- Alezixsantos
Goal 9-- Mamadedos -
Spartacus vs Garra Latina
G1 rauulx (C)
G3 elGatoGarcia
G5 Kevin Barrientos
G7 Delatletiico
G9 Rafa Cunha -
Where is the draw of the teams? What league will it be?
Dynamis vs Husarya_PL
G1 - Vitor Pessa
G3 - Igor Wesper
G5 - Jhonatan jw**(PM)**
G7 - Daniel Luiz Henz
G9 - sorincfc**(C)** -
Mestres Da Bola X Star United
G1 emilioneto86
G3 Matheus Rossaa
G5 fdc fdc fdc
G7 Adriano Côrtes (C)
G9 Samuel Souza 01 -
Star United x Mestres Da Bola.
Goal 1:hugito,enzo
Goal 3:TANGO2013
Goal 5:jumper95
Goal 7:Robin ALeXander
Goal 9:19092016 -
Spartacus x Garra Latina
Carlos - G1
Alisson - G3
Weslen - G5
Izayas - G7
Pedro - G9 -
Carlos - G1
Alisson - G3 [C]
Weslen - G5
Izayas - G7
Pedro - G9 -
Spartacus x Garra Latina
Carlos - G1
Alisson - G3 [C]
Weslen - G5
Izayas - G7
Pedro - G9 -
Spartacus x Garra Latina
Juup hainkis - G1
Alissonwwe - G3 [C] (PM)
Izayas - G5
Wes Vieira - G7
MarrettaPreta - G9 -
On Thursday, the 16th, between 18:00 and 23:59 hours, the OSM server time. We will play in the league of Honduras, and the coaches should choose the right team, according to the following draw:
Alpha Team (Away Team)
G1 》Real sociedad
G3 》Montagua
G5 》Platense
G7 》Honduras
G9 》Juticalpa
Total = 88,55Beta Team (Home Team)
G1 》Olímpia
G3 》Vida
G5 》Victoria
G7 》Real Espana
G9 》Marathon
Total = 89,6:Arrow_forward: LEAGUE CREATION:
Moderators in each league should follow the following template when creating the league:
Name: 2SC - 1/8 - Abreviatte home team x Abreviatte away team
Cup - YES
Club Compensation Fund - NO
Transfers - YES
Pre-season - YES
Timers - NO
Training Camp - YES
Secret Training - YESGreetings, Kevin Cristian !! :Smirk:
boa sorte
*Star Cup - 1/8 - BLACKSTAR vs Quei Bravi Ragazzi
Team BlackStar
G1 -> João Gabriel Cabral (C)
G3 -> elcancro11
G5 -> Vinicius Messias10
G9 -> Robynho Alves (PM)