★Star Cup★ - 1st Edition
Star Cup SemiFinals
Round 22/22
BlackStar: 1236
Draco's Crew: 1143
Difference : 93
Total : 2379
B'S: -50
BlackStar Win's
@João-Gabriel-Cabral parabéns e boa sorte na final
Primeiramente gostaria de agradecer a Draco's, pela grande Batalha que fizemos , foi uma pequena diferença e foi decidida na ultima rodada. Desejo parabéns a todos treinadores que jogaram.
Quanto a minha equipe , eu fiquei impressionado com nos mesmos , oscilamos e recuperamos , chegamos na ultima rodada nao dependendo apenas de nos , tinhamos que vencer a copa , vencemos , na ultima rodada tinhamos que parar 1 estagio e ainda depender de quantos gols a entrega da Draco's ia dar , e deu tudo certo , vencemos , e estamos na final.
Eu digo que nao tive muita sorte , parei bastante estágios, mas nos jogos que a obrigacao era ganhar oscilei . Em compensação consegui conquistar a copa , o que ajudou muito na pontuação.
@mikeveloso Também nao teve muita sorte na Batalha, mas em termos de estrategia ajudou muito , foi bastante ativo e teve sua parte na nossa Vitória também. Parabéns mike
@LucaasOne Nosso uruguaio haha , cometeu uma punição, o que nos deixou preocupados , mas em compensação de G5 ficou em 3 , foi o que mais pontuou na planilha , e ajudou de mais o time ta de parabéns.
@Robynho-Alves Nosso vice capitao hahaha , desde a 1 rodada foi essencial para a blackstar , nessa batalha nao foi diferente . A batalha caiu na sua mao no final , voce tinha que empatar tomando estagio e empatou , pegou goal , e nos ajudou de mais. Parabéns roby
@gabrieel077 Nao foi tao ativo , mas teve sua parte na vitoria, pegou o goal , e ainda ajudou muito o grupo . Parabéns alencar
É um alivio poder dizer que estamos na final , dizemos que foi quase um milagre pela situação, agora vamos a final e boa sorte ao New Command .
First of all, I would like to thank Draco's for the great battle we did, it was a small difference and it was decided in the last round. I wish to congratulate all the coaches who played.
As for my team, I was impressed with ourselves, we oscillated and recovered, we arrived in the last round not only depending on us, we had to win the cup, we won, in the last round we had to stop 1 stage and still depend on how many goals the delivery Draco's was going to give, and everything went well, we won, and we're in the final.
I say that I was not very lucky, I stopped quite stages, but in the games that the obligation was to win oscillated. In compensation I managed to win the cup, which helped a lot in the score.
@mikeveloso Also did not have much luck in the Battle, but in terms of strategy helped a lot, was very active and had his part in our Victory too. Congratulations mike
@LucaasOne Our Uruguayan haha, committed a punishment, which left us worried, but in compensation of G5 was in 3, was the one who scored more in the spreadsheet, and helped the team congratulate you a lot.
@Robynho-Alves Our deputy captain hahaha since the 1 round was essential for the blackstar, in that battle was no different. The battle fell into his hand at the end, you had to tie up taking stage and tied, took goal, and helped us over. Congratulations roby
@gabrieel077 He was not so active, but he had his part in the victory, he took the goal, and still helped the group a lot. Congratulations Alencar
It is a relief to be able to say that we are in the final, we say it was almost a miracle for the situation, now we are going to the final and good luck to the New Command.
Queria dar os meus parabéns aos Black Star pela batalha, deram muita luta e com mérito levaram a melhor, foi mesmo até á ultima, é muito raro chegar á ultima rodada e a batalha se decidir por vários detalhes, em que eles levaram a melhor, a nós cabe agora garantir o 3º da competição, parabens mais uma vez black star
Important to remember:
GROUPS that play at HOME should provide a league moderator with sufficient availability to create the league and send the invitation to everyone.
ALL groups must appoint a captain to communicate the penalties to the opponents and receive communication on penalties.
Purchasing players from the transfer list is allowed after 00:00, server time. Buying players from the transfer list before 00:00 is considered a 50-point penalty.
CPU offers can not be accepted at any time; And will also have a 50-point penalty for each player sold to the CPU by the offer.
- Based on Battlepedia and OSM Rules.
- Transfers allowed from server 00h. (Subject to 50 points penalty)
- Friendly game banned against members of the opposing group. (Subject to a penalty of 50 points for each friendly run)
- Allowed 4 Training camps and 6 secret training sessions for each trainer in each battle. (Subject to a penalty of 250 points for each extra stage used)
- Choose the wrong team. (Subject to a penalty of 250 points)
I wish everyone a lot of luck !! If possible and if there is a penalty principle, communicate with the opposing captain in private so as not to disturb.
Moderators should follow the following instructions:
Cup - YES.
Club Fund Compensation - NO.
Transfers - YES.
Pre-season - YES.
Cup - YES.The clashes will be these:
There have been many battles so far, many groups, Congratulations to all the groups involved. But we got to the Final like this:
The groups that are located above are the TEAM HOME and those that are located below are the AWAY TEAM.
- Each group has until 23:59 (server time) on May 10, 2017 to post their alignment. With their respective captains, and moderators to create the league (Home team).
The league will be created on May 11th.
Greetings, Kevin Cristian !!
Star Cup - Final
BlackStar vs New Command
Alignament BlackStar
(Home Team)G1 -> João Gabriel Cabral (C)
G3 -> Би Кевин Кристиан
G5 -> LucaasOne
G7 -> Mikeveloso
G9 -> Robynho Alves (PM) -
@João-Gabriel-Cabral go go go
@aris-sayang-anggie Come On
Go go blackStars...
@pablobenjaminfc Thanks for the support Pablo
grande e muito bom o campeonato Parabéns a todos os participantes e boa final para as duas equipes que venca a melhor e se pode torce ........torco pelo meu amigo Robynho Alves .......... -
@rubinhosantana Obrigado Mito
@XRATED69 star
@Dayanne-MayaraOn Thursday, the 11th, between 19:00 and 23:59 hours, the OSM server time. We will play in the league of Estônia, and the coaches should choose the right team, according to the following draw:
The Draw is the following
Alpha Team - AWAY TEAM:
Beta Team - HOME TEAM- Alpha Team:
FCI Tallinn
Sillamae Kalev
- Beta Team:
Paide Linnameeskond
Nomme Kalju
Narva Trans
Moderators in each league should follow the following template when creating the league:
Name: 2SC - Final (3rd) - Abreviatte home team x Abreviatte away team
Cup - YES
Club Compensation Fund - NO
Transfers - YES
Pre-season - YES
Timers - NO
Training Camp - YES
Secret Training - YESGreetings, Kevin Cristian !!
- Alpha Team: