Comedy Club
TOT vs LIV... winner?
ofc Kinsey
@ianthebean-byrne You've got a weird sense of humor.
Someone is under attack and ends up in his own blood.Please keep this topic fun with good humor instead with that kind of harsh video's.
@ianthebean-byrne I was never a fan of GoT but I gotta admit that Jack Black looks pretty cool to me! Hahaha...
@supernova-8 I grew up watching Jack... he is one of my all time fav actors
such a great talent so he is haha
@ianthebean-byrne Ahahahaha!!!
Brilliant video Ian ! Somehow it reminded me of the comedy movie :Look who's talking !
glad you like it! gotta say its a very good voice over
I haven't actually seen that movie, might check it out
@ianthebean-byrne Hihihi... Here's a little taste for ya...
@supernova-8 hahahaha
@ianthebean-byrne Wanna try some more?
There you go !
I love GAGS. Who else more? or Im the only crazy one? lol
This me studying my tactics in cup final!!