OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions
1- Value and Profit rate column can be added to the transfer list.
( Profit Rate : Price/Value )
2- Automatic transfer offers from bot clubs are designed without success and are starting to get frustrating.
3- Each team entering the winner cup can be given 150M entry bonus.
4- challange leagues - slot for participation in leagues where competition is over, almost champion is determined. It doesn't matter for second place, cup winner or fifth place. The team that achieves the determined difficult goal wins the high manager score and the challenge cup. (But cannot use a training camp against the team / teams that have dominated the league except cup, and the training camp usage is less than normal.)
5- The fixture of the next 5 matches can also be displayed in the main entry menu for each slot.
6- The person who resigns from his team cannot get a new team in that slot for at least 7 days.
7- It should be open to everyone who uses the training camp in which match.
8- It should be possible to follow other leagues and players. seems extremely secretive right now.
9- The cost to speed up the training is 16 coins for 8 hours. This 1 coin can be converted to 30 minutes reducible. I might just want to shorten it by 1 hour or 30 minutes.
10- It should be changed to 130-140% more of the immediate sell price.
11- The rules of the league should not be changed after entering the league. -
Could you add some minor leagues such as Georgia,Moldovia,Ghana,Latvia,Armenia etc. to the scout target leagues soon?There are some really good players but we cannot bring them by scouting.We used to do that few years ago but now we cannot.If you like my opinion please upvote it and make comments.
Vincent Ado Kompanyreplied to jetfiregirl_55 on 15 Oct 2020, 07:54 last edited by Vincent Ado Kompany 15 Oct 2020, 07:55
@jetfiregirl_55 If a scout can't bring a player from the "great" Bundesliga, I don't see a reason why he would bring players from Ghana, Andorra and the like.
@Ado-HackovicHi man.You know german leagues cannot be added to scout target leagues due to legal issues but other leagues that we can send scout to them few years ago can be added.This improvement can increase the enjoy of the game.Maybe we can also see german leagues in scout target leagues soon
@SUPERNOVA-8 said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
@SNYQ513 Mario I can't thank you enough for your response and your detailed post. :clap_tone2:
That's exactly what I was talking about earlier. We need to hear and learn from every manager what he/she likes or dislikes from the game's features or share new ideas, in order for the game developers to have a database to help them with future changes and improvements on our game Omegle site. I really appreciate your post Mario. :handshake_tone2:
I am also thinking the same as you, bro.
I've had some things on my mind last few days and I'm gonna share them here to see what other think.
There is one thing being dragged around the suggestion topic since 'forever'. I think I've seen people asking about it ever since I joined the forum.
I'm talking about username change.
Is it really possible that all these years GB had never even considered to introduce this option and why is it so ? Are there more people still interested in this ?Fantazy league.
Years ago there was a special league called fantazy league where you were given a certain budget with which you could create you own team and play the league with it. Im sure it was quite popular and I would love to play it again. Why was it removed and are there any plans of it being reinstated ?
Would anyone else like to have the fantasy league back ?Custom crew battles.
Why can't we get the ability to play friendly battles which wouldn't have effect on the crew ranking ?
Im sure it would be the most popular aspect of the game. It could fire up old rivaleries and bring back the golden days of OSM. If I was someone who is making decisions in the GB, this would be my first priority game-wise.
What do others think, would you like to see this ?Crew manager capacity.
I've been suggesting to increase the manager capacity of crewy from 24 to 25 since the introduction of these new crew battles, enabling simultanious 5 battles to be ran.
I can't imagine this effecting anyone in a bad manner, it can only make crew world more interesting. Some crews alredy play with only 2 or 3 battle teams and this wouldn't affect them in any way. On the other hand there are crews with 24 active managers and with 4 active battles which include 20 managers while 4 have to stand aside and wait for two weeks. To me, this makes no sense what so ever. I think it would be fair for all those people to be able to play battles without being restricted by this clumsy design.
(Some would argue that the size of 24 was chosen because the biggest leagues have 24 teams, but I think crews first and most important function is to play battles and its design should be directed towards making it most pleasurable possible, not the other way around)Thank you all for you time reading this. If there are colleague managers who agree with these ideas, please upvote this post and quote stuff you want to comment so that these suggestion could reach the people who are responsible for developing this game and listening to their most loyal customer base.
Best regards.
The new feature of OSM is great. It is very helpful for me. I love these features.
Crew Manager capacity
I can only agree with you and you speak from my soul! As you have already written, it just doesn't make any sense to let 4 managers sit out 2 weeks at a time. Everybody wants to play and this limitation prevents that.
We had a rotation for a while, but then we got rid of it and now we have 20 managers in the crew.
We would all like it if it is possible to play 5 battles with 25 managers at the same time
Customs Crew Battle
To be honest, I have never thought about that before. After reading your mail I have to say I think it's great. I can well imagine that this proposal will meet with a lot of approval... Also here a
Fantasy League
I don't really need that personally at the moment. But in general every option that can bring some variety into the game is welcome...
Username change
I don't think there's really any need to discuss this. This is standard everywhere and I don't understand why this option is not yet possible here in this game. I know some very active players who would love to change their name, but don't do it, because otherwise all their achievements and statistics would be gone. These managers registered with a name in OSM years ago without thinking about it and can't change anything now. Again, a clear
Some players should not be allowed to start the game with 6000M extra money.
When we report about such cheaters. we should not be answered like we did not found them suspicious. If it is not suspicious , it should be explained how this man can find 6000M while we cannot find 5M without selling the player.
The proofs should not be deleted from the forum when I prove that the cheater made a 6000M transfer without selling any players in the forum by sharing pictures.
There should not be such people who play with extra money, and There should not be moderators or crews are involved in cheating by protecting them in the forum.
There must be a mechanism that can stop them when the moderators and crews cheating collectively.
When we come across such gangs, there must be someone who can offer us options other than quitting the game. -
Recently me and my crew finished a ranking crew battle. The thing is the opposite team left after matchday 7 and we had to play 3 rounds against bots. What I suggest is to put a walkover system in crew battles. When most or all of the managers from one team leave, the other team gets the win, the battle ends and the team with more managers left receive the points for win + all the games that are left count as wins so they get points for them too.
2 Options:
- To make a game on all languages
- To develop a possibility to change a langiage in the game
Can You Add Highlights to pc Version?
I'd like an one-use-only option to delete the 5 worst seasons from the trophy cabinet.
@BembelmΓ€n said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
I don't think there's really any need to discuss this. This is standard everywhere and I don't understand why this option is not yet possible here in this game
, 1. I don't know why this idea comes into your head, can you change your name in real life ??? (NO
) go complain to the parents
!!! 2. Take an example, the 1st in top 100 Hestera, as soon as the others see that he is first they take his username Hestera you imagine that 100 Hestera in OSM
, or 100 Mourinho
, or 100 Guardiola
, I don't know which mourinho I beat, or in battle imagine 5 managers who change names every day and you dont know who is who, es imagine 5 managers in battle Today:
Wenger-> Arsenal
Klopp-> Liverpool,
Guardiola-> Man city,
Ferguson-> Man utd,
Mourinho-> Chelsea
es now imagine after the game tonight the names of the managers are these:
Ferguson-> Man city,
Wenger-> Liverpool,
Mourinho-> Arsenal,
Guardiola-> Chelsea,
Klopp-> Man utd
@IvanAndal said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
I'm talking about username change.
Is it really possible that all these years GB had never even considered to introduce this option and why is it so ? Are there more people still interested in this ?@Joe-McNorthMan said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
Ability to change your manager name for a specific amount of boss coins
@Ado-Hackovic said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
It would be nice if you introduce a option to change a manager name on OSM. I would pay 1000 bc to change my nickname
this would be a total confusion, let's not talk about the cheaters who would change the username every day, not to be discovered, ''some things are beautiful, just because they seem meaningless but behind there is a strong reason''
@roni-meda said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
can you change your name in real life ???
Yes, i can change my name
@roni-meda said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
this would be a total confusion, let's not talk about the cheaters who would change the username every day, not to be discovered, ''some things are beautiful, just because they seem meaningless but behind there is a strong reason''
I agree with you in part. This would be a total confusion if we would change our manager name a lot.
But i would develop a possibility to change a manager name only one time, not more.
IvanAndal English Usersreplied to roni meda on 7 Nov 2020, 10:05 last edited by IvanAndal 7 Nov 2020, 10:09
@roni-meda said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
@BembelmΓ€n said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
I don't think there's really any need to discuss this. This is standard everywhere and I don't understand why this option is not yet possible here in this game
, 1. I don't know why this idea comes into your head, can you change your name in real life ??? (NO
) go complain to the parents
!!! 2. Take an example, the 1st in top 100 Hestera, as soon as the others see that he is first they take his username Hestera you imagine that 100 Hestera in OSM
, or 100 Mourinho
, or 100 Guardiola
, I don't know which mourinho I beat, or in battle imagine 5 managers who change names every day and you dont know who is who, es imagine 5 managers in battle Today:
Wenger-> Arsenal
Klopp-> Liverpool,
Guardiola-> Man city,
Ferguson-> Man utd,
Mourinho-> Chelsea
es now imagine after the game tonight the names of the managers are these:
Ferguson-> Man city,
Wenger-> Liverpool,
Mourinho-> Arsenal,
Guardiola-> Chelsea,
Klopp-> Man utd
@IvanAndal said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
I'm talking about username change.
Is it really possible that all these years GB had never even considered to introduce this option and why is it so ? Are there more people still interested in this ?@Joe-McNorthMan said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
Ability to change your manager name for a specific amount of boss coins
@Ado-Hackovic said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
It would be nice if you introduce a option to change a manager name on OSM. I would pay 1000 bc to change my nickname
this would be a total confusion, let's not talk about the cheaters who would change the username every day, not to be discovered, ''some things are beautiful, just because they seem meaningless but behind there is a strong reason''
Bruh, a lot of games give the ability to change your name, and yet, they have no issues with cheaters.
"How come ?", you ask yourself. Simply, I will answer you. Upon your registration you get your uniqe ID number which you cannot change, what you can change is the username by which you are represented in the game, while game moderators supervise you simply by checking your ID number while your username is completely irrelevant.
I agree with @Ado-Hackovic , of course you couldnt change your name every other day. But it could be arranged to be doable once a year or so, by paying some amount of boss coins.
And of course no one could take your name. Two users can't have the same name.After all being said, I will agree that out of all the suggestions this one is the least important one and I'm glad to see that at least one of those suggestions is coming to the light of day. I can only say I hope that the fantasy league, which will be brought back soon, will not be turned into a money grabbing pay to win feature like the notorious 'VIP League'.
Do you really not know that you can also change your name in real life mate ? Bruh... -
@Shaqinho MAD IDEA
Fantasy league is definitely coming back, Iβm sure that secret message saying something new is coming from OSM is the fantasy league back. Call it a hunch.
As for talking with this guy about changing your profile name make sure you donβt hurt his feelings because he will get your posts deleted and get you a ban
did with me.