OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions
@amr-ashraf-333 said in Game Updates:
I know But Most of the people are asking for this Update
i don't think that changing most important OSM's feature only because facebook users ask for it will improve OSM...the only result would be OSM becoming one of the other games...
now it IS the game -
@amr-ashraf-333 We are working on bringing Crews to the apps as well! Live matches and playing with a club for more than one season is not something we are doing at the moment. It's a very big update and we also want to give every manager the same chances at the beginning of every season.
@amr-ashraf-333 We know that a lot of managers would like to play for more seasons (Facebook, reviews managers leave us etc.) and we get why managers want that. But like others are saying, playing one season is also something that makes OSM what OSM is.
I dont know for you guys, but i would really like to see forums on mobile as well. I think its is going to help this game, more managers would be active. There are some people who cant get to a PC, due to work, study, its take them too long. So, forum application will be good choice and next bigger update,
@manager-pr-9 said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom For All The Community:
There are some people who cant get to a PC, due to work, study, its take them too long. So, forum application will be good choice and next bigger update
sure for that, in the meantime i can tell you that forum version on mobile browser is very good and it isn't "heavy" to use also without wifi
@daniele-benjiamin yeah i know that, i used it ,, but it is not dedicated for 4.8 inch mobile display, its not that responsible
But its not their fault that they cant use their PC
@gods-lobe yeah, i think application is desperatley needed
@harry-poon said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom For All The Community:
We are working on bringing Crews to the apps as well!
Can you say something more about this update? Some new features related to the crew, or nothing like it is now?
I have just noticed one BIG error/ bug the game when starting carreer. On Mobile version You immediately open first slot, then to oppen 2nd slot you have to wait 5 days, to open 3rd slot you have 20 days and 50 days for last one slot. On pc however, you can immediately chose all by one.... This should never happen from 20years old game.
And i dont like abbreviations on mobile version like YOU'RE ELEMINATED, I'LL STAY, GOTTA and so on
You are talking with mass of people, your costumers, not with a friend
And i kinda dont like new forums, not to many topics for talking, am able to see crew forum although i dont have crew wich is very iritaring, not global forum... They are not in line like before
OFM question
OFM bugsCafè
And navigation bar is too complicated
Whats the next points on the to-do-list for the developers?
I have understood that it should be possible to see what flag it is when you hold the mouse on it, this feature is everywhere else, should be here also!
Flags is missing, been reported many times.. Nothing happens, when will we see a change? -
@menagerbl It has elements of both. Different (interesting for a lot more managers hopefully) but also elements of the mechanics that keep the crew world running now (because we like the system that was produced by our managers).
Hi everyone... Interesting topic, but i already gave my opinion about that on my community forum. There are so many things that could be changed for better...gosh!
I like the interface of the game, the chat options, matches aren't delayed with 2-3 hours like in the past, but max with 50-70 mins.
But...*15 coins to buy a footballer from the scout is way too much, it is equal to robbery!!!
*I don't like the fact: there aren't any preperation days in the leagues created by osm anymore
*The managers who log in via Android don't have access to the forums, that must be changed aswell.
I'm playing the game since a few days and I really enjoy it
It has just one thing which should be fixed.
If I make an offer to buy a player from an other team in the League and they don't accept it. That the negotiation has ended and if I want to make a new offer for those players I have to go to the table. Find the correct team and then make a new bid.
You just need the option to say end negotiations or make a new bid and that you can see what your last bid was.