OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions
@SUPERNOVA-8 That topic was made when I was on my break from OSM but yeah fair play.
@King-Noel Sorry again but ...
at least check for real first for possible replies given already by Mods before you start with false accusations. -
@SUPERNOVA-8 said in The impact of the captain:
@FATİHTERİM I am well aware of that my friend.
It's not your fault , we have mentioned several times already on the forum that there is no option to change our username on OSM. It is directly connected to each manager's personal account's data and profiles and it must remain the same for several reasons. One of the most important reasons is the protection and safety of every single one individual account there is on OSM.
@King-Noel said in The impact of the captain:
@SUPERNOVA-8 This is the reply I was looking for ... clear reply with a good reason why it is not possible to change username.
@SUPERNOVA-8 Well good to see replies ... But the fact that this guy didn't get any reply for the hard work he has done is not good:
@josher17_NL said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
My suggestion is to make it possible to change your 'Manager Name'.
I understand that if they allow each player to change their name as many times as they want, it would become a huge mess and it will be hard to recognize players.
Therefore I suggest that changing your Manager Name would cost Boss Coins, this way, players would be way more careful and think at least 2 times before changing their username.
Changing your manager name could be done in the same section as where you can change your clothes.
I already made an example of how it could look like:And to make it even harder for players to keep on changing their usernames, the price of Manager Name changing should double after every past name change.
I want to change my name for the first time --> I pay 50 Boss Coins to do so.
But when I want to change my Manager Name for the second time, I'll have to pay 100 Boss Coins to do so. And if I want to change it for the 3rd time, I'll have to pay 200 Boss Coins to do so, etc.I think this will prevent players from 'spamming' the name change option in the game.
(And if you really want to be sure that players still could be recognized after changing their username, there could maybe be a feature that allows anybody to see the complete name history (all past name changes) of a manager when going to that player's settings or something...)Let me know what you think of this suggestion! ^.^
I'm looking forward to receive some feedback!!Kind regards,
~ JosherHe asked all politely with clear picture of the model etc... But he got 0 replies.
Anyways I got the answer now and I am fine with it.
@SUPERNOVA-8 said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
@SUPERNOVA-8> Could we please move on to a different subject?
Yeah we should move on to a different topic now that the past one has been addressed properly. I think we should move on to the achievement suggestions made 3 days ago on this topic that no one has talked about or responded to (besides me). I support the achievements (with a modification
) and I want to know if they are possible or not possible and why.
@King-Noel This idea is icool. I am for yes
@Ado-Hackovic I am for yes too my brother
This post is deleted!
@King-Noel @uchenna-a @Ado-Hackovic
Please for the last time, read my posts-replies on this topic from the pages 32 and 33. You will also find links to other topics where the change of username was mentioned again. I'm sorry guys but you can forget about this possibility. Not for 50 Coins neither for 500 Coins !
Next post I'm gonna find in here talking about change of username will be considered a spam and manager will get a forum ban! -
@SUPERNOVA-8 Ok I see your point, but I will repeat again my post from a day ago: There has still been no response for why or why not the new achievements made by a manager 5 days ago are possible and if my modification regarding the achievements is or is not possible and why. If you (or we) want to move on to a different subject as you mentioned, then once again I say a mod (doesn't have to be you because you put in a lot of work and posts on the forum) needs to respond to the suggestion, because there has not been any other suggestion not discussed that was made in the last week.
Also wondering why my name was mentioned in the last post because I was responding for the first time regarding that suggestion to someone else's post saying that if it did happen it would have to be like this. (Hopefully I won't get banned for this) I was just responding in the scenario of if it did happen, but I now that for sure it will not happen so I will not post about it anymore. I did not say specifically that I wanted the suggestion to happen. Other manager's name not mentioned in the last warning post, but mines was mentioned for replying to that manager without showing my clear opinion? But it is fine anyways.
yes sounds good -
My suggestion:
Possibility to download some kind of file that would have your squad documented after you finish with your season (or even when you are midseason).
- The team you had disappears forever, this would be a great way to keep them in your memory. It would be great if you could also see how many goals they scored, how many assists they had and their average rating.
- Easier to share your lineup/squad with other players
Pros for developers:
- The game will become more addictive
- Players will spend more money on boss coins to get a better squad.
- Players will get more competitive, they will stay longer in the game.
Pros for players:
- Easier to brag
- More fun
- Possible to create a collection of lineups and get more creative with them.
P.S. 900 seconds forum rule is killing my soul
@Urbunnya But why should osm make things even more easy?
Is it so much work to screen it yourself if you would like to keep that info in memory and use that to brag about it? -
@Acantha That feature would benefit them, that's why. You can do that in games like Football Manager and other similar games.
Easier than you make it for the players, more of them will use it. Things like that make people proud, why do you think we have achievements in games? It's just a feature that would make it worth staying in the game instead of giving up. It would also help you to learn and become better in the game. Screenshots are very unpractical.
@Urbunnya I agree with you because I would like to be able to look back at my old teams from years ago to see how great they are (For me I would not personally use it to brag) I do disagree with one thing, that players will want spend more money for boss coins because that would make OSM more "pay to win" than it already is, because it gives a even bigger disadvantage to people that try to build their squads at a good pace, while people who spend money on boss coins will be making their squads legendary in 1 or 2 days.. I also agree that I don't like taking a bunch of screenshots, and I would eventually get annoyed after having to take so many of them if I want to remember my old teams after playing for years. Screenshots just seem to take a lot of work and are also impractical to do over and over again.
PS: Yeah I don't like the 900 seconds or 5 minutes to edit your post rules either. The 900 seconds rule was so annoying when I first starting posting here consistently and I always had to wait 15 minutes before I posted again. -
@Urbunnya But OSM isn't like any other games, wouldn't be very original if every football game is almost the same isn't it?
In my opinion this will cost more then it will bring up, since most users play this game for free and they would need more space etc to implement such feature. -
@Acantha Disagree. "It's not like any other game" is a weak argument if the feature means the game will get better. The feature I want to represent here is unique and would much more benefit the game than you think. "Players mostly play this game for free" is laughable since developers aren't running this game for fun but to make money. This feature won't be a P2W since it doesn't help you not even a tiny bit. Only thing the game will get is more depth.
bonus things I would implement:
You could also have a career board implemented in the game of your best teams in your "career" sorted by best value and best percentage increase (if you started with squad that has 100MIL value, and at the end of the season you have a squad that is worth 500MIL you have 500% increase).
What is a biggest pro of this? You play until the season ends, even if you can't really win the league or achieve anything or if you already won everything you still have the reason to sell your players and buy new ones and train players that you wouldn't since it wouldn't matter anyway.
@Urbunnya Well it's not that laughable at all, since paying users aren't the upperhand at all.
If you'll play this game the right way then you'll don't have to spent any real money if you don't want too, so the game itself is free to play.Ofcourse it's allowed to disagree with me or others otherwise this topic wouldn't be needed if it doesn't create any discussions.