[Official Topic] - Tactics Request
i'm always having problems against 3322 comp...any sugestion beating this formation with a better team
@Dnxjdydydd so sorry bro. For 433a its passing 67/75/67, no offside and zonal marking attack/stay/deep.
433B Wing he is 500M i'm 250M
He is unbeatable ! I just need a draw to go to Winners Cup -
Tomorrow i have an very important away game in the title race. I play against the number 2 ,we have about equal squad values (my team is slightly stronger in attack and goalkeeper, his defense is better).
His stadium level is 3 and he is gonna use a TC(just like me).He switches alot in tactics for countering but at home he wins everything with a 442b wingplay formation , zonal and no offside.Yes i know most people play wingplay with this formation but it works for him.
How to counter? 5311ca is the best away tactic for me but i dont know if that works.451sos away i lose most of the time in big games
Hope someone responds!
todoroki_12 English Usersreplied to Michael van Puijenbroek_NL on 29 Jul 2020, 11:54 last edited by
@Michael-van-Puijenbroek_NL Play a 433b with wing play and in specific attacking fullbacks, attackers attack only and Mid field protect defense if you use this let me know how it went
Sliders? This seems kinda attacking for teams about equal in strength
@Andrew_1010 A draw you say? 451 works best against 433 (or so i have heard and will be using it later in the day) so try this. 451 SOS attack/stay /deep 39/39/39 zonal and no offside trap. If u feel u r still weak then u can ask ur defenders to support defence. Good luck!!
Lakshay Ahluwalia English Usersreplied to Michael van Puijenbroek_NL on 29 Jul 2020, 14:37 last edited by Lakshay Ahluwalia 29 Jul 2020, 14:38
@Michael-van-Puijenbroek_NL turst me to defeat 442b use 433b WP (wing play) 81/69/68 attack/stay/deep. Zonal and no offside.
IT WILL WORK as i tried it like 4 times and each time i won and in those games in one i was strong, in another very strong, in another little weak and in the last similar. And i won all. So use this 433b against 433a. Let me know the results as well. Good luck -
@Marekiaro868 pudiste resolverlo? estoy en la misma situacion
@i-salute-liverpool-fc whats the 541b counter attack tactic?
My game tomorrow is very hard
My opponent usually plays 433aWhat combination do you think I should play with?
Lakshay Ahluwalia English Usersreplied to kasrasyedi on 30 Jul 2020, 00:31 last edited by Lakshay Ahluwalia 30 Jul 2020, 00:33
@kasrasyedi 343b wing play 80/78/79 yes offside and zonal. This creates a lot of chances and goals but if you are a experienced player just pray tht it is not one of those games where ur team has 15 shots and zero goals while the other has 8 and one goal. Otherwise this is the best way to beat 433a. But if you are weaker you can try 4231 or 451 SOS. They work ok i guess.
Obfuscator English Usersreplied to kasrasyedi on 30 Jul 2020, 02:16 last edited by Obfuscator 30 Jul 2020, 02:16
against a stronger opponent, choose 451 SOS or 541 SOS,
for sliders:
pressing 19 to 39 depending on how difficult the opponent is (also adjust for whether you're away or at home)
style 29 to 49 depending on how difficult the opponent is
control 59if your attacker has a high defense parameter, you may pull him back
@Shakhawath 343b,451,541
Michael van Puijenbroek_NL Dutch Usersreplied to Lakshay Ahluwalia on 30 Jul 2020, 10:48 last edited by
He also plays 4-3-3a in home gamea. Still advice 433b for both possibilities?
@Lakshay-Ahluwalia Thanks for your help
My opponent usually plays with 442b. What combination do you think I should play with?
Lakshay Ahluwalia English Usersreplied to Michael van Puijenbroek_NL on 30 Jul 2020, 23:54 last edited by Lakshay Ahluwalia 30 Jul 2020, 23:54
@Michael-van-Puijenbroek_NL nope 433b weak in front of 433a. U will surely have a ver high chance to lose if u use 433b against 433a. Like I and another manager @Obfuscator said 343b or 451 or 541are the best ways to take care of 433a.
@kasrasyedi against 442b play 433b 81/69/68 wing play. Attack /stay/deep zonal and no offside.
@Lakshay-Ahluwalia Thank you very much