[Official Topic] - Tactics Request
In addition to the individual training of the players, add to the training process the training of the tactics of each team.
Someone knows
how to play 4-3-3 A and B wing play S.O.S
With the online tactics please ,
how do i put the players -
Someone knows
how to play 4-3-3 A and B wing playS.O.S
With the online tactics please ,
how do i put the players -
Hello!can 433b passing game beat 433b wing play?and generally passing gme can beat wing play in some tactics?
I recommend:
Style of Play: Wing play
Marking: Zonal
Offside Trap: No
Tackling: Aggresive72/68/53
Forwards: Support midfield
Midfielders: Stay in position
Defenders: Support midfieldworked for me
Im in semi finals of champions he use 4 4 2 A with tiki taka and aggressive way , orange referee , i will play in trasfert so which scheme i can use ?
@uujhhuy 451 sos
Zonal marking
Offside yes
attackers- only attack
mid- stay in position
def- deep defense
also it s more effective if your club is bigger than your opponent's
for me that's work! -
What should I use against 451CA / man marking / no offside. My team is way better.
@brunomiguelsc 343b PG offiside yes
Playing vs secret + trainigscamp, he uses different tactic every game. I am 1st he is 2nd, he has 50m higher value. What should I play?
@zefofifo offside yes or not? 4-3-3 wing play how is it without offside
tactics for 433b tiki taka?
@darkmohikan what tactic for 343b
hello guys, i really nedd your help, im am playing agaisnt a guy with a slightly worst team then mine, and he is playing counter attack, can someone tell me if i should use wing play 433 and offside trap on or off, the game is in 2 hour if someone can help please reply, thanks guys and win a lot
@bigalex1 4231 or 451 sos
@diogo20015 wing play 442B offside trap on
i wish you the better -
@bigalex1 NO,I use 433b wingplay to beat 433b passing style
Parabéns, funcionou muito bem comigo.
78 vs 73