[Official Topic] - Tactics Request
@Emrecanbey19 Hi mate
use 433 A wing play- Striker Attack Only
- Midfielders Stay in position
- Defenders defend deep
Zona Marking,No Offside Trap - Press 77
- Style 75
- Tempo 76
Sorry I am Late
Good luck !
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Here is my team
I tried to line-up players from the same club or country or league1st question :
Can someone tell me what are the requirements to have the best line up??2nd question :
Since we can't see the sides players play (left or right)
Example : Salah is an egyptian right winger from a premier league club
another example : Otto, spanish left back from a premier league club.
The game doesn't mention right or left
i had to check it on google if he was left back OR right back.. because i wasn't sure, the game is not giving detailsWhat if i put a left back on the right side?
Or a right wing on the left side
Why osm doesnt precise exact position? -
@Shaqinho The player isn"t necessarily affected by that, you can put him on either side
Hello everyone, i need help on beating a 4/3/3A, Passing Game, Zonal Marking, Offside Trap YES.
It is a tittle deciding match, if i win I win the tittle, draw or loss, i lose the tittle.My team is 200m+ better than his, but Im playing away, even tho his stadium is level 0.
I was thinking of playing the same tactics as his, but since Im away, Im not sure.
@sitanggang_1 thanks a lot i have one question more how about i play away and home tactics every time same ?
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Hello. Need help to counter 3-5-2 WP Zonal with no offside!
@mmergimp 4-4-2 b WP Attack only, Push forward, Stay in position, Man marking No offside P84,S65,T76
@Josemaldonado_1 thank you very much for your help
Good to know -
looking for a tactic against 4-3-3B with WP, man marking and no offside. my team value is 950M and his 600M.
thanks in advance -
@JpTheOsmCoach_NL Hi mate
Use tactic 433B wing play zone marking no offside trap. Press 75, style 77 and tempo 74good luck !
@sitanggang_1 Hi bro, I have a play at away. My opponent :433A WP/ Zonal/yes offside/ level stadium:1 his team is a little stronger than me.This game is very important for me and I have gone to training camp, What formation+ tactics I can use to be able to beat him ?
Looking for a tactic against 4-3-3B passing game, man marking no offside, my team value 610M and his 370M, im playing home i have stadium lvl 2 and i will do a training camp, i need to win at least 3-0, i know a bit hard
Thanks in advice
@Alin020202 use 433b PG , line tactics normal, zonal marking, no offside, 71 - 68 - 53
i play against liverpool , he play 4-3-3B wing play, zonal marking ,offside yesa tactic against him?
@Cosmin606 433B PG Zonal, no offside, 78/79/77 if your team value is better
what should i do against 442 a shoot on sight,zonal marking?
Hi everyone, I'm playing against 442a passing game, man marking, no offside.
My squad is better.
Any suggestions? Thank you. -
@ByocraM I would suggest you, Zonal Marking, Offside Trap, Passing Game, 91 Pressing, 92 Style, 92 Tempo
Line Tactics, Attack Only, Push Forward, support middlefield
It is good to be aggressive against weaker teams