Divisions - Discussion/Questions....
I'm really happy with the huge amount of players' feedback, which is great, unless the Administration doesn't even read it, that would suck, huh? I think there is one huge thing that wasn't mentioned.
While the managers that are classified by the Divisons system as "THE BEST" play all four slots in full, inactive leagues grinding points, those really great managers compete against other fantastic managers in either Crew Battles or custom tournaments like CCW. It's easy to understand, that those first ones need close to no skill to reach that top and they give no effort in that, while competitive players have to face real opponents that are active, that think and analyse the tactics and that won't let you win easily.
For a quick comparison - @tristan1982 is the best manager in Poland according to manager points, frequently reaching top places in tournaments and crew battles, while in the Divisions bs system he is around 50th place. That's absolutely ridiculous!
What I think may be a good way out of this situation is getting rid of this division non sense and mastering the previous system. Afaik, the Manager points are summed up points from all the leagues played on that very slot during previous 5 years, later results are erased (i'm not 100% sure). What can be done to present a better view on the managers' levels is to shorten the time from 5 years to 2 or even 1. -
Of course I am against skipping training points, but I suggest running the game when you are defeated
Matches The medals do not decrease much and when you win they increase and I suggest that there should be more than 10 levels -
I've never seen such unanimity on an osm issue
@xxspeedkill said in Divisions - Discussion/Questions....:
I've never seen such unanimity on an osm issue
I have, this is the 3rd time and each time the forums have come alive. Still the same outcome each time.
- Old/Classic battles
- Timers and BC compensation in app battles
- Manager points
It’s inevitable what’s going to happen with manager points regardless of what gets posted here and our feedback. I could write an essay but I won’t bother. My last questions have gone unanswered. Just hide behind the word “surveys”.
I’m starting to think of surveys as real as Santa Claus or the tooth fairy right about now
You would get more respect if you just said what everyone knows. All 3 of them on that list has one thing in common. You think or know that people will spend more boss coins. Nothing to do with making the game better. Simple as that!
if you are not in agreement with these situations you can contact Gamebasics through this email :
@specialone Hidden survey, for only 2 or 3 people to answer, because they know that many of us would not agree, and that goes against their interests. You don't even remember what the questions were. When dealing with an important topic, at least review or show the exact data, and don't go assuming what the "questions" were saying.
@ialeksandari said in Divisions - Discussion/Questions....:
@SpecialOne Many things need to be improved with Medals, but I need to fokus on one big, and that's -medals for loses with clubs with low objective
If I take club with objective 16, and loss aggainst club with objective 1, I can't lose 1000+ medals, it's fair let's say 50, 60..
if you understand what i meanAnd,
update is your thing, i mean, not for players to work on, but if you put something in the game, it need's to be near perfection, not at the begining
All of this is cirkus, update this, delete that, remove this, remove thatThat's what I posted a month ago, and I agree! Totally nonsense! Now those who'll play with a weaker team will have lesser medals, and finding a top team is very hard and we all know that.
It's just a game though, but manager points are no joke. Support the movement with using- #BringBackManagerPoints #JusticeForOldPlayers #MPAreBetterThanMedals #MakeOSMGreatAgain #SaveOSM
Guys I've come up with a survey, please check it and answer your opinions.
https://forms.gle/zdr9FqoQCTVuQpJE7 -
A question for all of you guys:
Would you be willing to pay a monthly or annual fee to the game owner to play by the rules that are most suitable for those who play professionally?
For example, How much does it costs to create a championship? 250-300 coins on average, would you be willing to pay 750 coins to create a championship that can be used for a classic battles? would you be willing to pay an additional annual fee to access the creation of these leagues?
Would you pay the owner of the game to keep both systems, medals and MP?I work for a Bank, I know business is important, and I can understand that who put money in this business want to have his economical return. Times are changed and it's not possible to play free anymore.
Would you pay to keep the game as 2/3 years ago? -
@vinayak-singh-mehra said in Divisions - Discussion/Questions....:
Guys I've come up with a survey, please check it and answer your opinions.
https://forms.gle/zdr9FqoQCTVuQpJE7I've removed the feature of logging in so everybody can access to this survey now.
@rafelmaz Well this is not a bank, this is a game, if they don't know how to run a profitable game with just ads and from some addict to game dude's that are willing to pay real cash from time to time, then they just need to end this game, and not to destroy it with something that most of the players doesn't like.
This has no relation because what is set up allows to be well classified in the ranking of medals by playing closed championships against the computer .. So without recruiting, without transfer, and without friendlies ... therefore without spending coins .... While to be at the top of the coaching points ranking I have to recruit a lot and set up training camps for example ...
So many questions that were left unanswered -.- "
Anyway ... it's usual ... it's already normal for players to be ignored
@xxspeedkill said in Divisions - Discussion/Questions....:
So many questions that were left unanswered -.- "
Anyway ... it's usual ... it's already normal for players to be ignored
Yeah and staff want forum activity with posts on the forums in competitions but can’t be bothered to reply to people
ask for feedback with certain things but don’t talk to the community or very rare . It’s laughable isn’t it!
Any day I start to think that it is a conspiracy for players to abandon the game ahah. They always do everything in reverse
@xxspeedkill seems they want managers that’s played the game for years to leave I definitely agree with that. Every single big update they do is bad for managers that’s played the game for years
don’t debate with us at at all or give their opinions on things but always want ours then do nothing or very little about them anyway
Always the community talking to each other and never no staff on threads about updates.
Thank you to all who responded to the manager points survey! I didn't expect more than 30 responses, but a total of 142 responses have been recorded as of now. The responses will be shared after this month ends. But if you're doing the form again and again, that would be unfair. So please don't do it. And once again, a very big thanks
Maybe it is the 10,000 ranking of the year 2022 ... if in 2022 there are 10,000 players to make a ranking