World Star / 100+ scout
I have started this topic already on the NL forum but I also want to know the opinion from the World managers on this new update with the world star / 100+ scout.
Personally, I really don't think it's a real competetion if some don't use it and others go all in. In battle leagues, you won't notice it that much because the league is too short to take advantage of it. But in community leagues the differences in selection values are very large nowadays. In this way it is no longer a real competition, but more of a seperation of managers who goes all in on 'pay to win' and managers who doesn't even consider to use it (like me).
I can't imagine that more managers don't feel that way. On the NL forum I see that people are not happy with it. I think it is a small effort for GB to program the setting for private leagues in order to keep the community leagues out of harm's way. I'm sure that the intended income/profit for GB will continue to flow in through the regular leagues that way.
Last week I made a quick analysis of the impact of this update. Not everyone will use the same factors, so it's just a general approach.
Lemar with 100+ scout and 40 BC
Rating: 100
Value: 34.2M
Purchase: 47.9M (factor 1.4)
Purchase per BC: 1.2M
Sales: 95.8M (factor 2)
Profit: 47.9M
Profit per BC: 1.2MLemar with 80-84 scout and 15 BC
Rating: 83
Value: 10.4M
Purchase: 14.6M (factor 1.4)
Purchase per BC: 1M
Sales: 32.9M (factor 2.25)
Profit: 22.5M
Profit per BC: 1,5MThe purchase via the 100+ scout seems to be 20% cheaper in terms of BC than the normal scout, while a sale yields 20% more with the normal scout. So what you get is that the growth of selection values is a lot faster if you keep on scouting throughout the whole league, while you already have your nation complete.
After 3 or 4 times I'm done scouting to get my nation complete. There are managers who keep on scouting to grow a bit better in SW by always selling those scouted players, but with that new update they can't believe their luck, because that process is now a lot faster with that "cheaper" 100+ scout. In long (community) leagues they obviously benefit a lot from this. Continuously scouting little ones and selling them expensive and saving for the 100+ scout. It really takes all the charm away from interacting with the transfer list. I'm pretty sure that the managers who end up in the highest divisions of the community leagues in the long run will all be managers who continue to scout throughout the complete league and therefore maximize there BC spendage. This is not a big problem with the old scout, but the growth with the new scout is a lot faster. This makes it a lot more attractive for the managers that were already scouting throughout the whole league.
However, a large part of the managers remain that do not want to participate in this. You can also see this in the overviews that we get nowadays with the growth percentages. Is it fair that we only have managers in the highest divisions who make use of this? Will it not become a game for the large spenders of BC? It will then no longer be possible for the majority of the OSM Community to promote to the highest divisions in the community leagues purely because of their good building skills and because they put down the right formation with the right tactics at the right time. That culture is now disappearing a bit with this update and with it, propably a number of established managers later on which is of course, very unfortunate.
I can understand that it might be a big hassle for GB to build a separate setting for a "handful" of managers to resolve this issue, but I am sure that I speak for a whole lot of NL and even World managers (new and experienced, young and old, active on this forum or not) when I say that this update takes all the fun out of the game. And I'm sure GB's revenue won't suffer a substantial drop if this update is turned into a league setting. So I hope they will do so, so that we can continue to play the Community Leagues in a normal and fair way.
I'm curious about the opinion of the rest of the World community in the hope of creating some kind of petition, while sending a signal to GB.
World Managers, show yourselves!
@alain-bendeler_nl You Said everything what I am Thinking. I’m totally agree with you