Bug on my Site!
@Caiu_77 yeah it was good but now it is not working!!
Hello everyone, thank you for reporting this issue and sorry for the inconvenience.
It seems that the library we use for rewarded videos had an update that introduced this bug. We do not control this library so this is on their end.
However because this makes the page unresponsive i have removed the video library for now. Sadly this means no rewarded videos for now, but the site should at least be functional again.Again sorry for the delay, most of us are on christmas holiday.
Let us know if you still see any issues, thank you and hope everyone has a nice christmas! -
@jurgenw87 Will the extra training progression remain on Sunday? We can't use it today because the timer is 8 hours and matches are already played when the timer ends.
@jurgenw87 well that means we have to pay for boss coins! Well.... that is not nice.... and christmas holidays is not a good excuse. OSM is running by a company, this company makes profit and then solving a problem in the right way should not be possible? That's a joke
@jurgenw87 thanks for solving it before the match I have successfully been able to put my line up and do transfers in my knockout royale. Why don't you guys put the training timers only 4 hours for the rest of the event it will help us replace this day that we missed today
@MarcusWöll We have no control over this library so there is nothing we can do about it for now.
If you have a mobile phone you can still use the mobile app to login and watch videos until we heard from our external partner. -
@jurgenw87 I understand but it should be not a problem for the managers here. There should be goodie for all which cannot use the rewarded videos and so on... That would be a nice christmas then!
@jurgenw87 OSM asked 10 coins to heal my player with +1 before my 1/8 final return match in the winners cup. When I could access the doctor in the morning then the player would be healed. But I'm not going to use 10 coins for this without compensation. I risked to be knocked out in my Winners Cup.
@jurgenw87 buona sera...Questa mattina anche io avevo segnalato il problema del riquadro bianco...(ora risolto).Adesso c'è un'altro problema...non ti fa vedere le pubblicità,e di conseguenza nessun coins aggiunto.Grazie
@MarcusWöll i agree.. the white square is less of a problem for me than this because i was going to grind for boss coins today
@jurgenw87 Hey when will we be able to watch ads again, I am playing in a knockout royale and the battle and I think you know we get many transfers there and each player I buy I need to pay 1 bc and I can even watch ads
if we can't watch ads could we get some free boss coins for the duration? i suggest 40-50 boss coins per day the ad system is down for
Video's doen het nu wel op android maar nog niet op windows
Lot of troubles since the Christmas Theme is introduced. Yesterday no possibility to do anything at all, today no boss coins. Please get rid of the anoying Christmas Theme!
@jurgenw87 and then as well doing double rewards while no one can get them, great job Gamebasics B.V. That is more than annoying, that's ridiculous
@Fear-Force i am afraid it will be next year. i presume
@meester-Jasper Now I understand why The Grinch was so angry about Christmas, haha. In fact after the theme was full of bugs
@MarcusWöll Can not collect any Coins,Can not Collect anything or Watch any Adverts to collect anything.Totally ruined as Can not buy any players!!
@Generic_Manager we're still waiting for some compensation up front
some of us need boss coins right away and don't have many -
@Generic_Manager yeah but they don't even care if we don't have boss coins!!