__WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__
Awaiting the results of:
Russia vs Switzerland
Portugal vs Serbia -
Final Result
Portugal - 1380
Serbia - 1077Total - 2457
Round 2 - Last 16
And finally we have reached the next phase of WNT 2016. So far, of the 24 nations that started, 8 are behind! Now we have 16 nations fighting for 8 spots!
It's the knockout stage!
I thank the nations that are saying goodbye! :v_tone2:
Get to the point!
Best third-placed
With the withdrawal of Serbia, the four best third-placed were as follows:
With that, respecting all the predetermined configurations, we have reached the next battles!
Battles Last 16
We will go to Honduras!
Keep an eye on the calendar:
22/11 - Deadline for posting lineups (with moderator and captain)
23/11 - Creation of the leagues and beginning of the battles of Round 2 - Last 16!
:flag_ru: Russia vs :flag_be: Belgium
G1 - giouzzz
G3 - sexmachine1997 (C & PM)
G7 - Inmate002
G9 - Alex Noxwell -
Good luck to everyone! -
Just to remember!
thank you very much, for this tournament. It was a pleasure. Hope next year we'll have more luck.
I wish the best to all remaining teams
Good lock Argentina !
:flag_pl: Poland vs :flag_fr: France
G1 - timilic7 (PM)
G3 - Prager Guillaume
G5 - sanplan
G7 - Stephane13270 (C)
G9 - gros minet 33 -
WNT 3R 22/22
México: 871
Indonesia: 1599Dif. 728
:flag_ar: Argentina vs :flag_uy: Uruguay
G1 - Nikläs Klöp (C) (PM)
G3- Martin Barrio
G5- Hugo Marcel Carrasco
G7- Nicolás31
G9- Uruguay_2012