__WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__
OSM: The game
League created ... sent invitations
@adi-putra99 said in __WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__:
@NusantaraErwan INDONESIA is the best
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Go go go :flag_id: INDONESIA TEAM :first_place:
Good luck with the Brazilian national team
The first matchday of semifinal WNT will be started few hours later. Good luck for our opponent, Uruguay. And of course good luck for the other semifinalists, France and Brazil.
Hope there will be fantastic battle between France v Brazil and Uruguay v Indonesia
@herp-VS-you-dont-say Yes, good luck everyone !!
This post is deleted!
Day 05/22
Big battle, no one has an easy life.
So far, I congratulate to Brazil for being the highest.
@Aldy-Brahmantyo congratulations Brazil :clap_tone2:
Round 08/22
@Mano-Meneses. Go Brazil!