Winners Cup
Hi all
I've finished Winners Cup (not winning) and know I want to continue with the same Team. Is this possible? How?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Kind Regards -
Hi there,
That's not possible. At it's core, OSM is a one-season-game. However, with the Winners Cup you are able to continue with your team to face against other OSM users who received a ticket. Once that Winners Cup is finished, you are done with that team and can start managing a different club.
Of course, you can still manage the same club as you did before, but then you start with the basic team again. All the players that you purchased are gone.
This is very, very dissapointing. After creating during month a Super Team it is gone? I must say it is a lack of Game Design
Also, why should we players buy objects or watch many,many advertisments if we could only have the Team for one season? Starting every time from scratch misses the eventual funny part of the game: develop a Team and let it grow and improve during more than one season. Will finish with actual Team and leave. Thanks
OSM started in 2001 and always had this format. This is also what make OSM stand out to other online football management games.
It's ultimately up to you if you want to give it a chance or not.
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