Help me plz I think the training on my osm via the web is bugged
For some reason I can put my starting players to train and they don't leave the starting lineup, which is strange. Until last week, this didn't happen. I clicked to put the starting players to train and the message that always appears appeared, for example: (Are you sure you want to put "Cristiano Ronaldo" in training? He's a starter)? And then if I clicked to confirm, he left the lineup and went to training and I couldn't put him in the starting lineup because he was in training. Now he goes to training and the message doesn't appear and he remains in the lineup. I'm afraid that you OSM admins will ban me because of this, thinking that I'm using a hack. I'm an honest player. Please clear this up for me. IS IT A BUG OR IS IT NORMAL FOR THE GAME?(I PLAY OSM ON THE WEB)
thanks -
Hi there,
This is part of a test that is currently running on OSM and it lets you train the players that you have put in your starting line-up.
You're welcome