League Recruits
League: England 2nd Division
Name: damśli7 OSM World Tour
League number: 488755 -
New League created -- https://en.onlinesoccermanager.com/League/503386/ChooseTeam
OSM rules , meaning all Advanced Tools are ON ( STs , TCs , Timers etc )
All invitations -- BRASILIA II.div.
Preparation Days -- 3
Available Clubs -- 13 free / out of 20 -
League: Faroe Islands - https://en.onlinesoccermanager.com/League/Standings/492170#standings-list
Match Starts in: 4 days
Teams: 8 teams are available
League: Faroe Islands
League Name: COME - https://en.onlinesoccermanager.com/League/13722004/ChooseTeam
First match: 3 days 23 hours
Teams: 8 teams are available / out of 10
Cup: Yes -
@Łukasz-Wierzbowski Hi, friend...
I have joined your league -
@Darboz-Le69enD it is an honor for me, I can welcome a good rival
League: Costa Rica
- https://en.onlinesoccermanager.com/League/Standings/16418854
Prep Day(s): 1 day, created today
League's Moderator : OSM
Teams: 11 available / out of 12
Slot No.: 2 -
League: Egipt
First match: 2 days 4 hours
Teams available: 9/18
League Moderator: JAzevedo
League name: Jota league#1
Number League: 506532 -
League: Armenia
Match Starts in: 4 days
Teams: 9 teams are available
Send me a request, if you'd like to join.
League: Champions Cup
First match: 1d 22h
Teams available: 26/32
League Moderator: Mitrogamer
League Number : 32488338 - https://en.onlinesoccermanager.com/League/32488338/ChooseTeam -
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League: Armenia
Matchday: 4
Teams: 5 teams are available
Send me a request, if you'd like to join. (except arabs)
League: Faroe Islands
League Name: COME2
First match: 4 days
Teams: 9 teams are available
https://en.onlinesoccermanager.com/League/Standings/13722004#standings-list -
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so a group of old mates and I are planning on creating an XMAS reunion league or older managers. in a few weeks time, League is still undecided as we try to get as many interested managers as possiblemost probably it may be a Nostalgic league similar to the first league where we would try to get as many "nostalgic" managers to join us there so we all could play together and have fun in the honour of the good old days of OSM
We already created a chatroom for the league where we are trying to see If we will manage to find enough interested managers to join us, so If you are interested feel free to PM me and give us your thought whether you'd be interested in some kind of league like that
@E-U-G-E-N-E Do you have to have a certain amount of experience to be considered an oldie? Because I started playing OSM over 3 years ago, but if 3 years is considered up to standards for this league I would love to join. Please get back to me soon.
League -- Romania II. division
League name -- HURRICAN LEAGUE
League moderator -- STAR WARS 67
League number : 61192769
First matchday -- in 3 days, 17 hours
Teams available -- 11 / 20