League Recruits
Still available? -
@ianthebean-byrne yes last team free !
@santino_27 okay invite me please
@ianthebean-byrne i send invitation to You !
@santino_27 I will join in 1 minute because I am trying to find the invitation
There are 6 clups remain in serieA, fi
League: Scotland
League number: 16294635
Match start: 94 hours
Number of clubs in the League: 12
Number of free clubs in the league: 10I want friends who love competition and will be active in the league
@bayram-karakuş send me invite to my accont i will join your league.hope for good season.greetings from slovenia.
@marjan2241 I can't send invite for the league filled, hopefully next time
@bayram-karakuş ok next time.
@d-raffael 51MD very long time, but Good chance to hunting point Manager
Thank you @ncu-contagious and Ok man, don't worry. I will never walk alone too
See you next time
@ol-lyonnais11 ok
15 free teams
1st preparation day already
All on
Need compete manager.
Premier League
first preparation day
Team: 7/20search my nick: vianense10