League Recruits
League: Turkey
Match start: 20hours left
Number of clubs in the League: 18
Number of free clubs in the league: 5
League name: Turkeylast 5 teams guys, all managers are active ^^
League: Macedonia
Account: Master account
Week: 2/22
Number of clubs in the League: 10
Number of free clubs in the league: 3Managers who are active in the league can participate.
Country: Switzerland
League name: Schweiz
League moderator: osm
League number: 780974314/10 Free teams
LEAGUE euro national league
NAME Best of the Best
18/24 6 free teams
match start time 9 hours !
Country: Uzbekistan
League name: 40º a la sombra
League moderator: Markez17
League number: 29259625
10/12 Free teams -
League no: 38212859
Server: Marco
Country: Albania
Free teams: 10/7Note: League is private. Please request to join.
League : Fas
League name : Osm
Server : Pele
10 frei clubs
Cup : Yes -
Hi fellas,
I'm available for playing on any league, please send me an invitation.
@طاوسي-رشيد-0 Just sent an invite to English 2nd Division. A few games in, but as an experienced manager, you should be able to cope
@murtlu said in challenge invitation:
Re: League Recruits
League: Turkey
League name: kim iyi görelim
Moderator: murtlu
account: s4
Secret trainings: No -
League: Ireland
Account: Master account
Match start: 94 hours
Number of clubs in the League: 10
Number of free clubs in the league: 7Managers who are active in the league can participate.
League: France
Account: Main account
Match start: 26 hours
Number of clubs in the League: 20
Number of free clubs in the league: 8 -
Germany 3 league
League starts tomorrow
10 out of 20 teams
Estonian league
8 games in of a 22 match league
9th match in 1hr 45.Anybody fancy taking over a team from one of the dropouts? As though you are hired to rebuild the team/squad after a manager gets sacked.
I did this with a Swedish league, it was fun.
Country: Switzerland
League name: Svizzera
League moderator: osm
League number: 64754082/10 Free teams