v3 is all about money. It is not related to what is improved or what you can do now and you've couldn't do it before.
In order to enjoy the all good things that were implemented and also to be able to fight every time for good places, you will need to spend a lot of money. It is not necessary to do simple math calculations because above there are already members that highlighted how is the difference in money between v2 and v3 of OSM.
The situation now is like below:
play without BC and no chances to win leagues with many users (no matter of what team you select)
use BC and improve everything on each season = spend a looooot of money
enjoy the game as it is or do not play it anymore
My curiosity on all the discussion here is: does OSM bring more money now than in the past? Probably yes, since the prices are so high. The creators are satisfied with this, even if the number or players buying tickets/playing is probably less than before.
Guys, it is all about money nowadays. We need to understand that this is the reality and we play it accordingly or stop playing it. Even reducing the players bought from scoutlist, camps and everything and it will never be as before from the money point of view. At least triple will be now, with all the changes (if SOMEHOW and SOMEDAY will happen).