★Star Cup★ - 1st Edition
Star Cup - QuarterFinals
Spartacus vs BlackStarAlignment BlackStar (Away Team)
G1 -> João Gabriel Cabral (C)
G3 -> elcancro11
G5 -> Alex Ferreira 20
G7 -> mikeveloso
G9 -> Robynho Alves -
@petrovic6 Muito Obrigada!! Foi uma ótima batalha.
@Levi-Rios Muito obrigada
Star Cup - QuarterFinals
NAÇÃO TUPI vs StarPersStarPers lineup:
G1 - Аllenatore (C, PM)
G3 - NataBelekhova
G5 - Сергей2475
G7 - Астрахан
G9 - Djan.Fox -
Star Cup - QuarterFinals
NAÇÃO TUPI vs StarPersStarPers lineup:
G1 - Аllenatore :flag_ua: (C)
G3 - NataBelekhova :flag_ru:
G5 - Сергей2475 :flag_by:
G7 - Астрахан :flag_by:
G9 -Djan.FoxNekto Enot :flag_ua: (PM) -
Gladiators Brasil vs Draco's Crew
G1 - supereduardosilva
G3 - RD8S8PS
G5 - Sr Ray Draco ( C )
G9 - gabbrielllGood luck Gladiators
:cowboy: -
Good luck to all groups
Especially for the groups br -
@Sr-Ray-Draco said in ★Star Cup★ - 1st Edition:
Gladiators Brasil vs Draco's Crew
G1 - supereduardosilva
G3 - Joao Mario Gomes
G5 - Sr Ray Draco ( C )
G9 - gabbrielllSorry for the inconvenience
@Dayanne-Mayara Parabéns pela vitória day
@Dayanne-Mayara Parabéns pela vitória day
Star Cup - QuarterFinals
Spartacus Brasil x Black StarG1 Juup Hainkis [C]
G3 Alissonwwe (PM)
G5 MarrettaPreta
G7 Lucio Sep
G9 Izayas -
Star Cup -- QuarterFinals
[b]Gladiators Brasil[/b] x Draco's CrewG1- SaizicaaaaaaOfficial (PM)
G3- losedson
G5- João Victor Queiróz (C)
G7- Pabllo Cruz
G9- Willian Pelinson -
Star Cup - Quarter Finalist
Mestres da Bola x Husarya_Pl
Michael W4 (C)
G3Matheus Roossa
G5fdc fdc fdc
G9Adriano Côrtes (PM)
Let's go, let's go Mestres Da Bola
Come On BlackStar!! Good Luck Spartacus!!
This post is deleted!
On Wednesday, the 15th, between 19:00 and 23:59 hours, the OSM server time. We will play in the league of Feroe Islands, and the coaches should choose the right team, according to the following draw:
Beta Team (Home Team)
G1 》 EB-Streymur
G3 》 KÍ Klaksvík
G5 》 Skála
G7 》 HB Thórshavn
G9 》 TB-FC Suduroy-Royn
Total = 85,72MAlpha Team (Away Team)
G1 》 07 Vestur
G3 》 NSÍ Runavík
G5 》 Víkingur Göta
G7 》 B36 Thórshavn
G9 》 ÍF Fuglafjördur
Total = 90,27M:Arrow_forward: LEAGUE CREATION:
Moderators in each league should follow the following template when creating the league:
Name: 2SC - 1/4 - Abreviatte home team x Abreviatte away team
Cup - YES
Club Compensation Fund - NO
Transfers - YES
Pre-season - YES
Timers - NO
Training Camp - YES
Secret Training - YESGreetings, Kevin Cristian !! :Smirk: