League Recruits
To Latest Post:
League Number-59042634 -
League : Germany
League name : Германия
Server : Paul
10 frei clubs
Cup : Yes
Come on -
This post is deleted!
Vincent Ado Kompanyreplied to Hespera on 21 Nov 2016, 16:07 last edited by Vincent Ado Kompany 21 Nov 2016, 16:07
Join me on this league. 11 teams free -
@Ado-Hackovic Country - Germany
League Name - Германия
Preporation Day - 2
11/18 teams free
Everybody is welcome
PS. Click on my nick to see this leagie in slot 4 -
@Ado-Hackovic how i join?
@frafa11 how i join?
@frafa11 my account is full brother. I'm sorry
Country: Slovakia :flag_sk:
Server: Granit
League name: Eslováquia
Preparation day 1 !Enter my main account and join the league.
Country: Honduras
League name: Luls goes Honduras
Prep day: 1
No limitations!Feel free to join and have fun!
League name: BAL Ligi
Country: Spain La liga
18/20 teams free
Preporation Day - 3 -
Country: Albania
League name: Alea Jacta Est
Preparation day 1
2/10 teams free -
Please play my league in Iceland, preparation day, 7/12 managers, there is 5 free teams. It is in my principal account
Liga ZITISMO nº76