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    اهلا انا مصري اريد اي احد ينحداني رغم ضعف تشكيلتي لكني ساهذمك اسمي
    احمد محروس 011
    Hello, I am Egyptian. I want anyone to join me despite my weak squad, but I will give you my name احمد محروس 011

  • We're here to help you with questions and bugs. ENGLISH ONLY!

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    @FC-Eddie_NL still nothing, they already over 3 days non active, i can't delete them on pc or on android

  • Talk OSM: Tactics, Training Camps, Crews and tell us your suggestions. ENGLISH ONLY!

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    Eso podría ser pero tendria que ser la liga todos las mismas medias hay quizas seria, ya que sino estaria en desbalance el equipo menor al mayor, mas aun si solo dice escasos fichajes.

  • Chat about football, music, series, games and really anything you like. ENGLISH ONLY!

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    Yo guys! We’re back with more info!
    Specialone knew that he would need someone to help him recruit his special team which he named “osm xi”. The first place he decided to go was germany. In his first week there, he decided to look around and get ised to the german atmosphere. He’d already been learning a few languages for some time, and fortunately, one was german. He didn’t know it properly, but it would do. There were some good games that week, namely bayern munich v borussia dortmund. He went to watch the match, and after that he walked it back to his hotel which was 10 minutes walk away. As he was walking, he passed a local field where he saw a group pf teenagers playing football. He noticed one was standing at the side watching and writing in his notebook.
    This was MarkusRW5. His real name is not known, and from the research done, it is not known whether he had a favourable team or player. MarkusRW5 was obviously from Germany. When he was young, he played as a CDM or in defense. He wasn’t good technically, but he had excellent vision and he could tackle really well. But just like specialone, he enjoyed writing in his notebook and thinking of tactics more. Over the next few days, specialone would come every day, and MarkusRW5 would be standing on the side watching. Eventually, one day specialone decided to go and meet MarkusRW5 after the match had finished and everyone except him had fone home, because he was busy doing stuff on his notebook on the bench next to the field. Fortunately, both of them could speak English really well so that made life easier. Specialone and MarkusRW5 became really good freinds. No one is sure, but from research that is done, specialone was 21 when he met MarkusRW5 who was 19 back then.
    The role MarkusRW5 played in the team was that he was the guy who helped specialone a lot. It is reported that before disappearing, specialone said “ i would be nowhere near where i am right now if it wasn’t for the help of MarkusRW5.”
    MarkusRW5 helped players with a lot of things like diet, physical condition, and other things. He also organised everything, so that no one knew where the team was staying when there was an away game (which it always was). He was the reason the players managed to keep a lot of things that they didn’t want the whole world to know a secret.
    That was all for today! Make sure u upvote this of you want the story to carry on!

  • هنا يمكنك الحديث والإستفادة من أفضل المدربين العرب.

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    هناك اخطاء في سيرفرات بيع اللاعبين ,
    مثلا :- منذ بداية التحضير للمعركة الاخيرة التي اشتركت بها و لم يتم بيع اللاعبين في فريقي بينما بقية اللاعبين يتم بيع لاعبيهم ,
    مع العلم أنا أعرف كيف أبيع و أشتري اللعبين بطرقة جيدة جدا ولكن السيرفر لا يبيع لاعبي فريقي .

  • Hier kun je terecht voor hulp en kun je gezellig met Nederlandse managers chatten.

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    Delta 1
    Delta 3

  • Tú sítio para pedir Ayuda y hablar con otros managers en español

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    @nelsonm91 said in OSM FUTVE:

    Copa Chapecoense - 1/8 de Final

    Fútbol y Champagne 🆚 La Última Legión

    M1 ▶ @27Gonza27
    M3 ▶ @lionel-solari
    M5 ▶ @Rafa-Cunha
    M7 ▶ @nelsonm91 © (PM)
    M9 ▶ @exequiel_89

    mucha suerte @Mister-KR que sea buena batalla

    Copa Chapecoense - 1/8 de Final

    Fútbol y Champagne 🆚 La Última Legión

    M1 ▶ @27Gonza27
    M3 ▶ @lionel-solari
    M5 ▶ @Rafa-Cunha
    M7 ▶ @JOHANN55 © (PM)
    M9 ▶ @exequiel_89

    @Mister-KR hicimos un cambio de manager. Saludos

  • Tempat untuk mendapatkan bantuan dan diskusi dengan manajer Indonesia lainnya.

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    Regional : JATIM

    Lineup R2:
    G1: Anandria
    G3: Angga Alensius
    G5: AS Broo
    G7: Rohit Chand 32
    G9: CahaYa seNja

  • Il posto giusto per chiedere aiuto e parlare con altri allenatori Italiani

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    Ciao a tutti🙋 ....Siamo nelle battute finali di questa 21' Edizione del MATUTIAE 🫵, sempre ancora incerta in tutti i punti delle 4 classifiche con grande lotta come sempre da parte di tutti i 40 Manager 👏👏....🔊🔊Nell 'attesa ricordiamo il sistema di iscrizione al Torneo : il MATUTIAE e' un campionato dove per partecipare servono 2 possibilità :

    LE RETROCESSIONI di 4 manager dai gironi infernali 👹e👿( 2 per ciascuno) che OGNI edizione lasceranno il posto a 4 nuovi manager che si trovano in LISTA ATTESA e chi retrocede a sua volta rientra in lista attesa sotto ad altri presenti e potrà rientrare quando sarà il suo turno così da avere meno attesa. RINUNCIA di un manager che GIA' PARTECIPA

    ➡️ PER ISCRIVERSI Basta contattare una delle persone sotto elencate, nella propria chat privata qui sul forum ...o anche nel gioco ...oppure anche qui di seguito in coda ai vari messaggi .....ricordando che Il manager che intende partecipare al torneo deve avere un account con almeno 6 mesi di anzianità e non avere più di 25 dimissioni ogni slot ......così verrà inserito nella "LISTA ATTESA" sopra citata e verrà contattato in ANTICIPO per partecipare .....SE in quel momento NON PUO' PARTECIPARE ...comunque sia rimane sempre in lista per la volta successiva .

    🔊🔊 Grazie a tutti 🫵 e rimanete sintonizzati per le prossime info 🙋


    PER INFO ED ISCRIZIONI @teosamp10 ..@mendieta81 ..@Luca-Carli72 ...Arrow74


  • Miejsce by uzyskać pomoc i porozmawiać z innymi polskimi menadżerami

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    Nie wiem dlaczego plików dodać nie mogę to tylko napiszę.


    Reszta do wglądu na naszym DSC.

  • O sítio certo para procurares ajuda e conversar com outros treinadores em Português.

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    Pelo torneio amistoso, a seleção brasileira de OSM sub21 perde batalha para a seleção venezuelana, e agora irá enfrentar a seleção chilena pela rodada 8. Segue abaixo:


    Segue o alinhamento:

    🇧🇷 TORNEO LATAM 2024 🇧🇷

    INÍCIO: 23/10

    ROUND 8

    🇧🇷 Brasil x Chile 🇧🇷

    Line UP - BRASIL 🇧🇷
    G1 ➡️ Tales M11
    G3 ➡️ Leonardo B Gama ©️
    G5 ➡️ Danielbarça09
    G7 ➡️ jr zika
    G9 ➡️ VinnyGelobol

    Desejamos toda sorte para nossos representantes nesta batalha, e que possamos sair vitoriosos..


    Att, CBOSM.

  • Yardım almak ve diğer "Türkçe" bilen menajerlerle konuşmak için doğru yer

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    bildirimler düzeldi ilginiz için teşekkür ederim